22.2. Conference Publications in Mesh Adaptation

L. Remaki, S. Nadarajah, W.G. Habashi, M.C. Bogstad, C. Kho and F. Mokhtarian, Mesh Adaptation Impact on Lift and Drag Coefficients, CASI 11th Aerodynamics Symposium, Toronto, April 2005.

L. Remakiand W.G. Habashi,Towardan Optimal Initial Grid for CFD, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, January 2005.

W.G. Habashi, Keynote Address, Mesh Adaptation, from Qualitative to Quantitative CFD, Pacing CFD, Stanford University, November 2004.

F. Suerich-Gulick, C.Y. Lepage and W.G. Habashi,Automatic Mesh Adaptation: Towards User-Independent CFD, Keynote Lecture, The 4th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2004.

F. Suerich-Gulick, C.Y. Lepage and W.G. Habashi, Anisotropic 3-D Mesh Adaptation for Turbulent Flows, AIAA Paper 2004-2533, 34th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Portland, July 2004.

C.Y. Lepage, A. St-Cyr and W.G. Habashi, Parallel Unstructured Mesh Adaptation on Distributed Memory Systems, AIAA Paper 2004-2532, 34th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Portland, July 2004.

Lepage, C.L., Remaki, L. and Habashi, W.G., Advances in CFD Mesh Optimization, Invited paper, Proceedings Grand Review of the State-of-the-Art in the Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow, I Mech E, London, U.K., December 2002, to appear in IMechE Journal, 2003.

W.G. Habashi, C.Y. Lepage, G.S. Baruzzi and I. Akel, OptiMesh: Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation with CAD Integrity for Verifiably Accurate CFD Solutions Over Complete Aircraft, NATO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Symposium, Paris, April 2002.

L. Remaki, H. Beaugendre and W.G. Habashi, An Anisotropic Isovalue-oriented Artificial Viscosity Method for CFD, Proceedings CFD Society of Canada Meeting, June 2002, Windsor, ON, pp. 222-227.

C.Y. Lepage, L. Remaki and W.G. Habashi, Anisotropic 3-D Mesh Adaptation on Unstructured Hybrid Meshes, AIAA Paper 2002-7318, 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, January 2002.

G.S. Baruzzi, C. Lepage, I. Akel and W.G. Habashi, MOM3D: CAD-based Mesh Adaptation for CFD Solutions over Complete Aircraft, 8th Aerodynamics Symposium, CASI, Toronto, April 2001

Tam, D. Ait-Ali-Yahia, M.P. Robichaud, M. Peeters, V. Kozel and W.G. Habashi: Three-dimensional Anisotropic Adaptation for Viscous External and Turbomachinery Flows, AIAA Paper 2000-2248, AIAA Fluids 2000, Denver, June 2000

W.G. Habashi, V. Kozel, A. Tam, D. Ait-Ali-Yahia, M.P. Robichaud and M. Moore, Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for 3-D Flows on Unstructured Grids, Proceedings ICEM CFD Users’ Conference’99, Berkeley, USA, May 1999.

V. Kozel, W.G. Habashi, A. Tam, M.P. Robichaud, M. Bogstad, A. Wulf and M. Hohmeyer, Mesh Optimization: Tight Coupling of Mesh Generation and Solver, with CAD Integrity, Proceedings of the Fourth European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ECCOMAS), Athens, September 1998, pp. 114-118, Volume 1, part 1.

Tam, M.P. Robichaud, P. Tremblay, W.G. Habashi, M. Hohmeyer, G. Guèvremont, M.F. Peeters and D. Ait-Ali-Yahia, A 3-D Adaptive Finite Element Method for Aerodynamic Flows, Proceedings CFD98, Quebec City, June 1998, pp. II-63-II-68.

W.G. Habashi and A. Wulf, 3D Mesh Adaptation, with CAD Integrity, Invited Paper, Proceedings of the World User Association in Applied CFD Conference, Freiburg, Germany, June 1998, pp. 22.1-22.6.

Tam, M.P. Robichaud, P. Tremblay, W.G. Habashi, M. Hohmeyer, G. Guèvremont, M.F. Peeters and P. Germain, A 3D Adaptive Anisotropic Method for External and Internal Flows, AIAA Paper 98-0771, 36th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, January 1998.

F. Taghaddosi, W.G. Habashi, G. Guèvremont and D. Ait-Ali-Yahia, An Adaptive Least-Squares Method for the Compressible Euler Equations, AIAA Paper 97-2097, 13th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Snowmass, June 1997.

W.G. Habashi, Anisotropic Mesh Optimization: Toward Mesh-User, and Solver-Independent CFD, Invited Lecture, Proceedings of the CFD’97 Conference of the Canadian Society for CFD, Victoria, British Columbia, May 1997, pp. 5.3-5.6.

J. Dompierre, M.-G. Vallet, M. Fortin and W.G. Habashi, Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation: Towards a Solver and User Independent CFD, AIAA Paper 97-0861, 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, January 1997.

W.G. Habashi, M. Fortin, J. Dompierre, M-G. Vallet and Y. Bourgault, A Mesh Optimizer for CFD, 6th ASME International Congress on Fluid Dynamics & Propulsion, Cairo, December 1996, pp. 1-8.

M. Fortin, M.-G. Vallet, J. Dompierre, Y. Bourgault and W.G. Habashi, Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation: Theory, Validation and Applications, Proceedings of the Third European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ECCOMAS), Paris, John Wiley, September 1996, pp. 174-180.

W.G. Habashi and M. Fortin, Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation: A Step towards a Grid-independent and User-independent CFD, Invited Keynote Address at ICASE-NASA Langley Research Center Workshop on Barriers and Challenges in CFD, Hampton, VA, August 1996, Kluger Academic, pp. 99-117.

D. Ait-Ali-Yahia and W.G. Habashi, A Directionally-Adaptive Finite Element Method for High-Speed Flows, AIAA Paper 96-2553, 32nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Lake Buena Vista, July 1996.

Tam, W.G. Habashi, D. Ait-Ali-Yahia, M.P. Robichaud and M. Fortin, A 3-D Adaptive Finite Element Method for Turbomachinery, AIAA Paper 96-2659, 32nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Lake Buena Vista, July 1996.

M-G. Vallet, Y. Bourgault, J. Dompierre, M. Fortin and W.G. Habashi, A Directional Error Estimator for CFD, Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FED-Vol. 238, Volume 3, pp. 209-215, San Diego, July 1996.

M. Sleiman, A. Tam, M.P. Robichaud, M.F. Peeters, W.G. Habashi and M. Fortin, Turbomachinery Multistage Simulation by a Finite Element Adaptive Approach, ASME Paper 96-GT-418, 41st ASME Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, Birmingham, U.K., June 1996.

D. Ait-Ali-Yahia and W.G. Habashi, A Directionally-Adaptive Finite Element Method for Hypersonic Thermo-Chemical Non-equilibrium Flows, 15th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Monterey, Springer-Verlag, June 1996, pp. 261-267.

W.G. Habashi and M. Fortin, Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation: Towards a Mesh-independent, User-Independent and Solver-Independent CFD, Invited Workshop Address, World User Association in Applied CFD Conference, Freiburg, Germany, May 1996, pp. 13.1-13.4.