7.9. Output

In Constant time step mode, the thermal solution (struc1.SOL) and electrical solution (elec.SOL) of C3D are written in FENSAP format (See FENSAP-ICE File Formats) at set Iterations between printouts intervals and at the end of the simulation. If the number of Iterations between printouts is larger than the total number of time steps the solution will be printed only at the end of the simulation.

In Automatic time step mode, the thermal and electrical solutions are written at fixed time intervals specified by Iterations between printouts. The time step may be reduced to meet the exact time stamp. If the value of Iterations between printouts is zero the solutions will be written only at the very end of the simulation.

7.9.1. Temperature Probes

The evolution of the unsteady solution can be monitored at specified locations in the grid (temperature probes).

Add probes using the Add button, remove them using the Remove button. For each probe define its X-, Y- and Z-coordinates.