2.13.1. Solving from Time = 0

Solving from Time = 0, which is from Cycle=0, is the typical way to start an analysis. This cycle value is the default setting in the Resume From Cycle field located in the Step Controls section of the Analysis Settings. The analysis will run until either the user-defined Maximum Number of Cycles or End Time is reached.

The following restriction applies:

  • An Explicit Dynamics solve can only be performed if the model contains at least one Initial Condition (Translational or Rotational velocity), a non-zero constraint (displacement or velocity), or a valid load.

If you are using RSM for the solution, the Remote Solve Manager can be used to monitor the analysis and obtain any solution related output.

Another way of monitoring the progress of the solve is to view the Solution Information while the solve is running, where you can view the estimated run time remaining.

A running analysis can be interrupted; for example, to review results part way through the analysis. An interrupted analysis can be resumed to continue to the end. Similarly, a successfully ended analysis can be extended beyond its current end time or cycle.