17.2. Adjusting Ground Plane Settings

To open the dialog, from the Main Menu select View > Ground plane > Settings

The Ground plane editor dialog is displayed.

VisibleWhen selected, displays the ground plane. When clears, hides the ground plane.
Normal directionSets the orientation of the ground plane. Select from the following options:
  • +X

  • -X

  • +Y (default)

  • -Y

  • +Z

  • -Z

  • Adaptive (orients based on the up vector of the master viewport)

Height offsetSets the value used to offset the plane along the up vector direction.
Reset height

When clicked, recomputes the 3D bounding box of all visible objects in the master viewport (Viewport 0).

The ground plane uses the parameters for the master viewport's scene bounding box. When part visibility changes, use this setting to refit the ground plane. Automatic re-computation is not performed.

Receive reflections

When selected, displays a reflection of the object below the ground plane.

Show gridWhen selected, displays the ground plane grid. When cleared, hides the grid.
Map environment light's textureWhen selected, displays the texture of the environment map on the ground plane. When cleared, hides the texture.
Ground radius

Sets the size of the ground plane radius.

Grid sizeSets the size of the grid squares.
Ground colorSets the color of the ground. Click Mix to customize the color.
Grid line color 1

Sets the color of the outer grid lines. Click Mix to customize the color.

Grid line color 2

Sets the color of the inner grid lines. Click Mix to customize the color.