Chapter 9: Preference and Setup File Formats

This chapter provides information about the various file formats associated with different preference options within EnSight. EnSight preferences are often initialized from identically named files installed in the %CEI%\site_preferences directory. The first time EnSight is run by an individual user, a private preferences directory is created for that user. When reading a preference file, EnSight first looks for the file in the user's private preferences directory, and failing that, it looks in the site_preferences directory. The location of the user's private preferences directory is shown in the HelpVersion dialog as shown here:

Figure 9.1: EnSight Help Version Dialog

EnSight Help Version Dialog

At the bottom of this dialog the Preferences path is shown. Under Windows, the path is often the user's home path, in the .ensight242 directory. If EnSight cannot write to this directory, %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.ensight242 will be tried as well. Under Windows 10, the path is commonly C:\Users\{username}\.ensight242. Linux platforms use ~/.ensight242. The OSX platform uses ~/Library/Application Support/EnSight242. In all cases, the actual path used can be seen in the aforementioned dialog.

A number of different files are stored in the preferences directory and are read as EnSight starts up. The command line flag (-no_prefs) can be used to force EnSight to ignore the files in the user's private preferences directory for a single run of EnSight. This can be useful to reset various files to their default values or to clear potentially corrupted caches. For example, EnSight mains a cache of the valid fonts on a system to speed up startup, if the user installs new fonts on a system and EnSight does not recognize them immediately, running once with -no_prefs will cause EnSight to ignore (and rebuild) the cache files, so the next time it is run the cache will contain the new fonts (see Command Line Start-up Options).

Specific files and their descriptions follow in the next sections.

Palette/Color File Formats describes the format of the saved function palettes, the default false color function palette and the default colors for parts.

Data Reader Preferences File Format describes the format for the data reader preferences file.

Data Format Extension Map File Format describes the format of the file.

Parallel Rendering Configuration File points to the location where the format of the parallel rendering configuration file is described.

Resource File Format describes the format of the EnSight resources file and points to the location where samples of its use are given.

Other Preferences Files describes the format of various other files EnSight generated in response to preference changes.

Python Extension Files describes how user written EnSight Python extensions can be scheduled for reading on startup.