4.4. Example Headers

The specifications for each routine in the API will now be given using an example reader. First an example global_extern.h file.

/*  *************************************************************
*   Copyright 2017-2018 Ansys Inc.
*   All Rights Reserved.
*        Restricted Rights Legend
*   Use, duplication, or disclosure of this
*   software and its documentation by the
*   Government is subject to restrictions as
*   set forth in subdivision [(b)(3)(ii)] of
*   the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
*   Software clause at 52.227-7013.
*  *************************************************************
#ifndef   GLOBAL_EXTERN_H  
#define   GLOBAL_EXTERN_H  
  * Set the reader version define
  * (only one can be set at a time)
#if 0
#define USERD_API_100
#define USERD_API_200
#define USERD_API_201
#define USERD_API_202
#define USERD_API_203
#define USERD_API_204
#define USERD_API_205
#define USERD_API_206
#define USERD_API_207
#define USERD_API_208
#define USERD_API_209
#define USERD_API_210
#define USERD_API_300
#define USERD_API_300

#include "../extern/global_extern.h"
