
From its inception, EnSight has been used extensively to postprocess time-varying or transient data. In many cases, dynamic phenomena can only be understood through interactive exploration. One can easily change time with VCR-type controls in the Solution Time Player (which comes up by default for transient models). Further control for transient data time handling is provided in the Create/edit Transient Animation dialog, accessed via the Solution time icon.

EnSight provides two ways to work with transient data. By default, time is presented as a series of discrete steps running from zero to the total number of steps minus one. However, you can also present time based on the actual simulation time values found in your results data. The presentation mode is controlled by the Units pulldown which will be shown below. shown below.

The current time range is displayed in the Beg and End fields with the current time step shown in the Cur field. You can modify the time range controlled by the slider by editing the Beg and/or End fields (remember to press return). You can change the current time step by editing the Cur field (press Return), manipulating the slider, or clicking the left/right VCR buttons. Setting the Beg to any number less than the min, and End to any number larger than the max will Reset Time Range to its full range.

Time scaling and stepping (as manipulated through the slider bar and Beg, Cur, and End fields) can either be Discrete or Continuous. If scaling is Discrete, only your actual time steps as written in the results data can be visualized. In addition, the Beg, Cur, and End fields can only be set to integer values (if Units is set to Step and Scale Type is Discrete) or actual simulation times represented in your results data (if Units is set to Sim. Time). If scaling is Continuous, you can display results between your actual output time steps (all variable values are linearly interpolated between the two surrounding time steps).

Note:  If your mesh connectivity is changing over time, you cannot display results continuously.

When you load multiple cases it is possible that the composite master timeline is inappropriate. You can specify a master timeline from any one of the cases you have loaded and decide how the other cases will sync up to changes in time. You can even create your own master timeline.

When you manipulate the slider or change the Cur field, EnSight will perform all tasks necessary to correctly display the new time step in the Graphics Window. Depending on the size of the dataset and the number of additional parts you have created, this may take a significant amount of time. If you wish to create an on-screen animation of your results, use the VCR run icon or go use the Flipbook facility.