Basic Operation

The following topics are included in this section:

Model Directional Triad

The model axes help maintain awareness of the principal directions of the reference frame of the model. This is especially helpful during model transformations. It is on by default, but can be toggled on/off by:

ViewAxis triad visibilityModel

The orientation of the axis triad can be quickly changed by clicking on it in the graphics area and hovering over one of the axes direction (x, y or z) arrows on the triad. When the pointer changes to a rotational symbol, left-click the x, y or z and that axis will animate a rotation. If the viewport is 3D, the new orientation will be normal to the screen. If the viewport is 2D, the viewport view from point direction will be flipped.

Note:  Changing the orientation of the axis triad also orients your view of the model so you will see the view of the model change in the viewport where the triad is located.

  1. Right-click on the axis triad

    • Hide all axis triads

      All hidden

    • Hide model axis

      Hides model triad

    • Turn on model axis animation

      Animate the transformations of the triad

    • Model axis triad location...

      Set the normalized xy graphics screen location

  2. Hover over the z-axis of the triad.

  3. When the cursor becomes a rotational symbol, then left-click. It will be rotationally reoriented with the z-axis pointing toward the user. Ctrl-left click will cause the axis to point away from the user.

Model Extent Bounds

The model extent bounds also help maintain dimensional information pertaining to the extents of the model.

ViewBounds visibility to display the model extents.

To control the various associated with the model extents:

  1. Double click on the desired viewport in the Viewports list panel.

  2. Open the Bounds turndown.

  3. Modify the various general and/or Axis specific as desired.