
Multiple types of sources are available to capture different items for the report. You can access any of them by right-clicking the baseline state and selecting Add new source. Any number of sources and types can be associated to a state.

To modify the attributes of each source, right-click anywhere within the States panel and select Edit properties…

For more details on each source, see Sources.

Multi Image Source

  1. Toggle Enhanced image capture based on the type of image capture you want added to the report.

  2. Set the image Width, Height, AA passes via the corresponding dialog entries. To use default values, toggle Use image export dialog settings.

  3. Select one or more parts under Select part(s) to color them by variables.

  4. Select one or more variables to color by under Select variable(s).

  5. Toggle Export transient data to add static or transient information to the report.

  6. Select Screen X or Screen Y under Rotate the scene over the axis to generate images that mimic a 3D scene in the report.

    Note:  If you use this option, you need to enter a number of Steps larger than one. This will automatically disable Enhanced image capture.

Image Source

  1. Set the image Width, Height, AA passes via the corresponding dialog entries. To use default values, toggle Use image export dialog settings.

  2. Toggle Enhanced image capture based on the type of image capture you want added to the report.

Movie Source

  1. Set the type of animation to export in the Type of animation field.

  2. If Type of animation is set to Animated traces, enter a Number of frames.

  3. Set the animation Width, Height, AA passes via the corresponding dialog entries. To use default values, toggle on Use image export dialog settings.

  4. Set the Frames per second.

Scene Geometry Source

Toggle Record all timesteps based on the type of 3D scene you want added to the report (transient or static).

Variable Info Source

  1. Set the Variable name filter. Comma separated variable names are supported.

  2. Toggle Transient Info based on the type of variable information you want added to the report (for all timesteps or only the current one).

Query Source

  1. Set the Query name filter. Comma separated query names are supported.

  2. Toggle Only visible queries to restrict the queries resulting from the above filter to only ones that are visible.

Plotter Source

  1. Set the Plot name filter. Comma separated plot names are supported.

  2. Toggle Only visible plotters to restrict the plots resulting from the above filter to only ones that are visible.

Probe Source

No options are available for this source.

Text / HTML Source

Enter, under Text template, text you would like displayed in the Report. The HTML source supports HTML formatting.

Session/Command File Source

  1. Toggle EnSight session file to send an .ens file to the report.

  2. Toggle EnSight command file to send an .enc file to the report.

  3. Toggle EnSight scenario file to send an .evsn file to the report.

Part Element Details Source

  1. Under Item display format, set the data display format.

  2. Toggle Record only for new parts to only send data for the created parts.

  3. Toggle Record only for visible parts to only send data for the visible parts.

Session Info Source

Toggle Current case only to extract only data related to the active case. If toggled off, data for all loaded cases will be sent to the report.

Sweep Source

  1. Toggle Enhanced image capture based on the type of image capture you want added to the report.

  2. Toggle Image comparison to have the report display two sets of images side by side for easier comparison.

  3. Set the image Width, Height, AA passes via the corresponding dialog entries. To use default values, toggle Use image export dialog settings.

  4. Select one isosurface or clip part from the Select clip or isosurface part section to set which part will sweep.

  5. Select one or more variables from the Select variable(s) section to color the sweeping part by that specific variable.

  6. Toggle on/off Export transient data to add static or transient information to the report.

  7. Select Screen X or Screen Y under Rotate the scene over the axis to generate images that mimic a 3D scene in the report.

    Note:  If you use this option, you need to enter a number of Steps larger than one. This will automatically disable Enhanced image capture.