Basic Operation

To use Server of Servers, depending on the method of spatial partitioning (Externally partitioned, Reader partitioned, or Server partitioned) described above, you do the following:

External Partitioning

  1. Partition your data, and distribute it (or make it available) to the various machines on which you will run servers.

  2. Create the sos casefile, which defines the data format to use, the server machines, the location of server executables on those machines, and the name and location of the [partitioned] data for the servers.

    Important:  Each server in the casefile will reference different data. Examples will be shown below.

  3. Run EnSight with the -sos command line option(or use ensight.sos in place of ensight_server if connecting manually) and provide it with the sos casefile. You can run EnSight like:

    ensight -sos.

Then under FileOpen..., set the sos casefile under the Data tab, with a format of Case SOS.

Under the SOS options tab, you can verify that Auto distribute is set to Don’t decompose (because the data is already decomposed).

Using the command in this way runs the SOS on the same machine as the client. If you want to control where the SOS runs, connect manually instead (a manual example will be shown later in this article). Also note that if you want to load all parts, you could have simply included the sos casefile on the command line, like:

ensight -sos /home/bjn/dat/sos/cube_10.sos

Additionally, you can use resources in combination with a sos casefile if desired. See Use Resource Management for an example.

Spatial Partitioning Done by a Reader, "Auto Distribute Reader Decompose"

If your reader can do its own partitioning, you can use an sos casefile in which each server references the same data, OR take advantage of a resource file and not have to create an sos casefile. Note that for this method, under the SOS options tab in the FileOpen dialog, you will see that Auto distribute is set to Reader Decompose.

It is probably easiest to describe the usage based on an example. So using the Exodus reader, lets run an Exodus model on two servers (computer1 and computer2), first using the .sos case file and then the .res file (you don't use them both at the same time). The files we will reference are:

sample.exo (the Exodus data file)

servers.sos (the SOS casefile)

type: master_server MultiExodusII
number of servers: 2
#Server 1
machine id: computer1
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /home/user/exodus
casefile: sample.exo
#Server 2
machine id: computer2
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /home/user/exodus
casefile: sample.exo

servers.res (the resource file, see Use Resource Management for more details)

#!CEIResourceFile 1.0
host: localhost
host: computer1
host: computer2

Flow3D SOS Case file example which uses two computers (computer1 and computer2), and 4 servers, with 4 files (flsgrf1.dat, flsgrf2.dat, flsgrf3.dat and flsgrf4.dat) located on a common file system that both computers can read: /scratch/data/lowres and perhaps name it servers.sos. It will also be necessary that the machine where you start up your server of server has the Flow3d reader (must be either a Linux or windows machine) and it is able to start up servers using passwordless ssh.

type: master_server Flow3D-Multiblock
number of servers: 4
#Server 1
machine id: computer1
# for same machine use
#machine id: localhost
executable: ensight_server
# for windows use
#executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data/lowres/
casefile: flsgrf*.dat
#Server 2
machine id: computer1
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data/lowres/
casefile: flsgrf*.dat
#Server 3
machine id: computer2
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data/lowres/
casefile: flsgrf*.dat
#Server 4
machine id: computer2
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data/lowres/
casefile: flsgrf*.dat

Your servers.res file will be the same as above except it will have four servers, and perhaps named four_servers.res.

#!CEIResourceFile 1.0
host: localhost
host: computer1
host: computer1
host: computer2
host: computer2
  1. For the exodus example above, make sure your sample.exo data file is available to the various computers on which you will run servers. For the Flow3d example above, make sure all four flsgrf*.dat files are in the same directory and available to all the computers.

  2. Create the sos casefile, Or the resource file appropriate for your format above (use one or the other). You can copy/paste from the examples above.

  3. Run EnSight using one of the following (not both):

    ensight -sos

    Then set the servers.sos file in the FileOpen dialog (format Case SOS). This enables you to load all parts, or select the ones to be loaded. Or use ensight -sos servers.sos on the command line if you want to load all parts.

    -- OR if you want to use the resource (.res) file --

    Choose the sample.exo file or the flsgrf*.dat in the FileOpen dialog (format MultExodusII, format Flow3d-Multiblock respectively), and place the appropriate .res file in the Set resource file field under the SOS options tab. For Flow3d data, toggle ON the Pass wild cards to server option, which will allow the asterisk in flsgrf*.dat to pass down to the servers to handle appropriately. This enables you to load all parts, or select the ones to be loaded. Or use ensight -sos -res servers.res on the command line and set sample.exo (or flsgrf*.dat) file in the FileOpen dialog (format MultExodusII, Flow3D-Multiblock, respectively). Or, for exodus format, use ensight -sos -res servers.res sample.exo on the command line if you want to load all parts. You cannot use the command line for Flow3D format because you must tell EnSight to pass the asterisk to the servers and this appears to only work from the dialog.

    There are several other variations that could be used, including the use of a manual connection with the SOS. They all have similar corresponding options.

Spatial Partitioning by EnSight Servers "Auto_distribute (Server Decompose)

You can let EnSight do the partitioning. You can use an sos casefile in which each server references the same data, or take advantage of a resource file and not have to create an sos casefile.

Note:  For this method, under the SOS options tab in the FileOpen dialog, you will see that Auto distribute is set to Server Decompose.

It is probably easiest to describe the usage based on an example. So using the EnSight Gold format, lets run a simple model on two servers (computer1 and computer2). The files we will reference are: (the EnSight Gold data file)

two_partitions.sos (the SOS casefile)

type: master_server gold
auto_distribute: on
do_ghosts: on
number of servers: 2
#Server 1
machine id: computer1
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /home/user/exodus
#Server 2
machine id: computer1
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /home/user/exodus

two_servers.res (the resource file, see Use Resource Management for more details)

#!CEIResourceFile 1.0
host: localhost
host: computer1
host: computer2
  1. Make sure your data is available to the various machines on which you will run servers.

  2. Create the two_partitions.sos sos casefile, or the two_servers.res resource file

  3. Run EnSight like:

    ensight -sos

    Then set the two_partitions.sos file in the FileOpen dialog (format Case SOS). This enables you to load all parts, or select the ones to be loaded. Or use ensight -sos two_partitions.sos on the command line if you want to load all parts.

    -- or --

    Open the file in the FileOpen dialog (format Case), and place two_servers.res in the Set resource file field under the SOS options tab. This enables you to load all parts, or select the ones to be loaded. Or use ensight -sos -res two_servers.res on the command line and set file in the FileOpen dialog (format Case). Or use ensight -sos -res two_servers.res on the command line if you want to load all parts.

    There are several other variations that could be used, including the use of a manual connection with the SOS. They all have similar corresponding options.

Example SOS Casefile

This example deals with a EnSight Gold dataset that has been partitioned into 3 portions, each running on a different machine. The machines are named joe, sally, and bill. The data is not in the same location on all machines.

Note:  The optional data_path line is used on two of the servers, but not the third.

type: master_server gold
number of servers: 3
#Server 1
machine id: joe
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /usr/people/john/data
#Server 2 is a Windows machine (notice .bat extension)
machine id: sally
executable: ensight_server.bat
data_path: D:\john\data
#Server 3
machine id: bill
executable: ensight_server
casefile: /scratch/temp/john/

If we name this example sos casefile - all.sos, and we run it on yet another machine - one named george, you would want the data distributed as follows:

On george: all.sos

On joe (in /usr/people/john/data):, and all files referenced by it.

On sally (in /scratch/sally/john/data):, and all files referenced by it.

On bill (in /scratch/temp/john):, and all file referenced by it.

By starting EnSight with the -sos command line option (which will autoconnect using ensight.sos instead of ensight_server), or by manually running ensight.sos in place of ensight_server, and providing all.sos as the casefile to read in the Data Reader dialog - EnSight will actually start three servers and compute the respective portions on them in parallel.

So, one could do the following (after preparing the all.sos file):

On george, run the client and the sos by invoking the ensight script in a shell window (non-windows) or Command Prompt window (windows), like:

george>> ensight -sos

Or one could run the client on the myclient machine, telnet (or equivalent) into the george machine and run the sos there, by using the following commands:

If myclient is a non-windows machine:

In a window on myclient:

In a window that is telneted into the george machine:

myclient>> ensight_client -cm

If george: is a non-windows machine:

george>> ensight.sos -c myclient

If george is a windows machine:

george>> ensight_sos -c myclient

If myclient is a windows machine:

In a Command Prompt window on myclient:

In a Command Prompt window that is telneted into the george machine:

myclient>> ensight_client -cm

If george: is a non-windows machine:

george>> ensight.sos -c myclient

If george is a windows machine:

george>> ensight_sos -c myclient

In either case, you would enter the all.sos command as the file to read in the Data Reader dialog once EnSight is up and connected. And the servers on joe, sally, and bill would be started and used automatically.


The following Environment variables will directly affect the SOS performance, see Setup For Parallel Computation.



Additionally, rather than specifying whether unstructured ghost processing and metric calculations will be done in an sos casefile, you can specify this via command-line argument (-use_ghosts and -use_metric), or via the following environment variables. Remember that the ghost processing and metric calculation is defaulted off.

UNSTRUCT_AUTODISTRIBUTE_USE GHOSTS 1 will set ghost processing on.


The environment variable settings will take precedence over the command line arguments.

Optional NETWORK_INTERFACES Section Notes

If the machine named george had more than one network interface (say it had its main one named george, but also had one named george2), we could add the section shown below to our casefile example:


number of network interfaces: 2

network interface: george

network interface: george2

This would cause machine joe to connect back to george, machine sally to connect back to george2, and machine bill to connect back to george. This is because the sos will cycle through its available network interfaces as it connects the servers. Remember that this is an optional section, and most users will probably not use it. Also, the contents of this section will be ignored if the -soshostname command line option is used.

Example SOS Casefile for PLOT3D, Using Structured Auto_Distribute

This example shows a plot3d dataset (post.x and post.q) that has not been partitioned, but is on an NFS mounted disk available to each server machine. EnSight will distribute the data to the 3 servers defined. IO will not necessarily be great since each server will be reading from the same file, but execution will be enhanced by the partitioning. We will use the same machines used in the previous example.

type: master_server plot3d
auto_distribute: on
number of servers: 3
#Server 1
machine id: joe
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data
casefile: post.x
resfile: post.q
#Server 2
machine id: sally
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data
casefile: post.x
resfile: post.q
#Server 3
machine id: bill
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data
casefile: post.x
resfile: post.q

Example SOS Casefile for EnSight Gold, Using Unstructured Auto_Distribute

This example shows an EnSight Gold dataset ( that has not been partitioned, but is on an NFS mounted disk available to each server machine. EnSight will distribute the data to the 3 servers defined. IO will not necessarily be great since each server will be reading from the same file, but execution will be enhanced by the partitioning. We will use the same machines used in the previous examples.

type: master_server gold
auto_distribute: on
do_ghosts: on
buffer_size: 10000
want_metric: on
number of servers: 3
#Server 1
machine id: joe
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data/gold
#Server 2
machine id: sally
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data/gold
#Server 3
machine id: bill
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data/gold

Special Case

If using auto_distribute (and therefore each server will be accessing the same data files), and the servers will all be run on the same machine, then one can add the word repeat to the end of the number of servers: num line and then only define one set of Server info. For example:

type: master_server gold
auto_distribute: on
number of servers: 3 repeat
#Server 1
machine id: joe
executable: ensight_server
data_path: /scratch/data/gold

Structured Auto Distribute Note

If using structured auto_distribute, the default decomposition scheme is to do so in the i, j, or k direction that has the largest dimension. This may not always be the best direction for a given analysis. Therefore, through the use of an environment variable, you can set the axis to use. The chosen axis will be used unless the dimension in that direction will not allow for all servers to contain data (namely, as long as the dimension in the chosen direction is greater than the total number of servers used). To use the this option, set the following to 0, 1, 2, or -1:

setenv SAD_DECOMPOSE_AXIS 0 			(for the i axis)
				1 			(for the j axis)
				2 			(for the k axis)
				-1 		      (to use the default largest dimension scheme,
							   same as not setting the variable)