Format of the SOS Casefile

The format for this file is as follows:

Note:  [ ] indicates optional information, and a blank line or a line with # in the first column are comments.

type: master_server datatypeRequired

where: datatype is required and is one of the formats of EnSight’s internal readers (which use the Part builder), namely: gold ensight6 ensight5 plot3d or it can be the string used to name any of the user-defined readers.

Note:  For user-defined readers, the string must be exactly that which is defined in the USERD_get_name_of_reader routine of the reader (which is what is presented in the Format options pulldown of the Data Reader dialog).

If datatype is blank, it will default to EnSight6 data type.

[auto_distribute: on/off]

Optional for structured or unstructured data)

EnSight server will automatically distribute data to the servers (also called Server decompose) specified below if this option is present and set to on. This will require that each of the servers have access to the same data (or identical copies of it). For structured data: use only if the datatype is gold, plot3d or a 2.06 or greater user-defined reader (which has implemented structured cinching). For unstructured data: use only if the datatype is gold, or a 2.08 (or greater) user-defined reader. Additionally, be aware that 2.* user-defined readers should implement the special functions defined in README_USERD_IN_BUFFERS file if memory is to be used efficiently in the unstructured auto-distribute process.

[use_resources: on/off]Optional, to allow specification of server machines to come from the “resource file”
[do_ghosts: on/off]

Optional for unstructured auto_distribute - default is on (before version 10.1.4(a)), and is off for later versions

Allows user to control whether ghost cells will be produced between the distributed portions.

Note:  This could alternatively be set with the -use_ghosts command line argument, or by setting the UNSTRUCT_AUTODISTRIBUTE_USE_GHOSTS environment variable to 1.

[buffer_size: n]

Optional for unstructured auto_distribute and do_ghosts - default is 100000

Allows user to modify the default buffer size that is used when reading node and element information of the model when producing ghost cells.

[want_metric: on/off]

Optional for unstructured auto_distribute and do_ghosts - default is on (before version 10.1.4(a), and is off for later versions.

If set on, a simple metric will be printed in the shell window that can indicate the quality of the auto_. The unstructured auto_distribute method relies on some coherence in the element connectivity - namely, that elements that lie next to each other are generally listed close to each other in the data format.

The metric is simply the (#total_nodes / #nodes_needed_if_no_ghosts).

When no ghosts, the value will be 1.0. The more ghosts you must have, the higher this metric will be. If the number gets much more than 2.0, you may want to consider partitioning yourself.

Note:  This could alternatively be set with the -use_metric command line argument, or by setting the UNSTRUCT_AUTODISTRIBUTE_USE_METRIC environment variable to 1.


Note:  This whole section is optional. It is needed only when more than one network interface to the sos host is available and it is desired to use them. Therefore, distributing the servers to sos communication over more than one network interface)

number of network interfacesnum(Required - if section used)

where: num is the number of network interfaces to be used for the sos host.

network_interfacesos_network_interface_name_1(Required - if section used)
number of servers

num [repeat](Required)

where: num is the number of servers that will be started and run concurrently.

repeat indicates that the first server specification should be repeated num times for use with resources. Other server specifications will be ignored.

#Server 1Comment only
machine id: mid


where: mid is the machine id of the server.

executable: /.../ensight_server

or ensight_server.bat

[directory: wd]

Linux/Apple Required, must use full path

Windows only Required, must use .bat extension


where: wd is the working directory from which ensight_server will be run

[login id: id]Optional

where: id is the login id. Only needed if it is different on this machine.

[data_path: /.../dd]Optional

where: dd is the directory where the data resides. (Full path must be provided if you use this).


(Required, but depending on format, may vary as to whether it is a casefile, geometry file, neutral file, universal file, etc. Relates to the first data field of the Data Reader Dialog.)

[resfile: yourfile.res]

(Depends on format as to whether required or not. Relates to the second data field of the Data Reader Dialog.)

[measfile: yourfile.mea]

(Depends on format as to whether required or not. Relates to the third data field of the Data Reader Dialog.)

[bndfile: yourfile.bnd]

(Depends on format as to whether required or not. Relates to the fourth data field of the Data Reader Dialog.)

Note:  Repeat pertinent lines for as many servers as declared to be in this file.