Basic Operation

Show Point Information

To show information about an arbitrary point:

  1. If your data is transient, set the desired time in the Solution Time Panel.

  2. If you have multiple Cases, select the desired case using Casecasename.

  3. Use the Cursor (Point) Tool to position the tool to the desired location.

  4. Select the desired part(s) in the Part List. The query will only be successful if the Cursor Tool is found within an element of a selected part.

  5. Select QueryShow InformationCursor.

    The query results will be printed to the EnSight message window, which will pop up. It can also be accessed from the Info icon.

    The following shows sample output from a point query:

    Point (6.19810e-01,2.77589e-01,2.41451e-01)(In Frame 0) Query Information.
    Found in structured part # 2.
    Found in element # 168379.
    Closest node # 1782 (within the element)
    Value for Variable density is 9.96230e-01.
    Values for Variable momentum are:

See Load Multiple Datasets (Cases) and Cursor Tool under Use the Cursor (Point) Tool.

Show Node Information

To show information about a specific node, you must have either given or automatically assigned node labels for your data. You must also know the number of the node of interest. If you do not know the number, you can display node labels for the part or, if you know an element that contains the node, you can display element information for the element (as described in the next section). All active variables for the node specified will be shown. To show node information:

  1. If your data is transient, set the desired time in the Solution Time Panel.

  2. If you have multiple Cases, select the desired case using Casecasename.

  3. Select the desired part(s) in the Part List. The query will only be successful if the specified node is found in a selected part.

  4. Select QueryShow InformationNode. The Query Prompt dialog opens. Enter the ID number of the desired node in the text field and click OK.

    The query results will be printed to the EnSight message window, which will pop up.

    It can also be accessed from the Info icon.

    The following shows sample output from a node query:

    Node 123 Query Information.
    Coordinates (In Frame 0) are: (-2.00000e+00,0.00000e+00,1.19320e+00)
    Found in unstructured part # 1.
    Values for Variable velocity are:

See Load Multiple Datasets (Cases).

Show IJK Information

To show information about a specific IJK location for structured models:

See Load Multiple Datasets (Cases).

  1. If your data is transient, set the desired time in the Solution Time Panel.

  2. If you have multiple Cases, select the desired case using Casecasename.

  3. Select the desired part (one only) in the Part List. The query will only be successful if the specified IJK is found in the selected part.

  4. Select QueryShow InformationIJK. The Query Prompt dialog opens. Enter the values for the desired IJK location in the text fields and click OK.

    The query results will be printed to the EnSight message window, which will pop up. It can also be accessed from the Info icon on the tools ribbon. All active variables at the IJK location specified will be displayed.

    The following shows sample output from an IJK query:

    Node Id is: 26146
    Found in iblanked structured part # 1.
    Coordinates (In Frame 0) are: (4.72982e-01,1.64710e-01,6.50679e-02)
    No variables active to show values at the IJK location.

Show Element Information

To show information about a specific element, you must have either given or automatically assigned element labels for your data. You must also know the number of the element of interest. If you do not know the number, you can display element labels for the part. To show element information:

  1. If your data is transient, set the desired time in the Solution Time Panel.

  2. If you have multiple Cases, select the desired case using Casecasename.

  3. Select the desired part(s) in the Part List. The query will only be successful if the specified element is found in a selected part.

  4. Select QueryShow InformationElement. The Query Prompt dialog opens. Enter the ID number of the desired element in the text field and click OK.

    The query results will be printed to the EnSight message window, which will pop up. It can also be accessed from the Info icon. All active per element variables found on the element will be displayed.

    The following shows sample output from an element query:

    Element 321 Query Information.
    Found in unstructured part # 2.
    Type of element is 6 Noded triangle
    Number of nodes is 6
    Node IDs are: 1050 910 1054 1052 1053 1055
    Neighboring Element Information is:
    Element neighbor 318 is of type 6 Noded triangle
    Element neighbor 322 is of type 6 Noded triangle

See Load Multiple Datasets (Cases), Display Labels.

Show Part Information

To show information about a part:

  1. If your data is transient, set the desired time in the Solution Time Panel.

  2. Select the desired part in the Part List.

  3. Select QueryShow InformationPart.

    The query results will be printed to the EnSight message window, which will pop up. It can also be accessed from the Info icon.

    The following shows sample output from a part query:

    Part 2 Query Information.
    Unstructured part.
    Number of nodes 2380
    Minimum coordinate (In Frame 0) is (0.00000e+00,0.00000e+00,0.00000e+00)
    Maximum coordinate (In Frame 0) is (3.80000e+01,1.20000e+01,0.00000e+00)
    Min node label in part is (1)
    Max node label in part is (2380)
    Element Information is:
    Element type: 6 Noded triangle, count = 1128.
    Min element label in part is (1)
    Max element label in part is (1128)

Note:  In general client side parts (particle traces, profiles, vector arrows, contours) can't be queried in this manner. You will receive and error message like the following

ERROR: The query of the part specified could not be completed.

Particle trace parts will give one bit of information - namely how many traces there are in the part. And a note will be given informing you how to get a "dump" of the trace into the message window. Something like:

Part 2 Query Information
This part is a particle trace part
Part has 10 traces

Note:  For full trace dump into this window, issue the following command in the command dialog: test: full trace query ON. Then repeat this query.