
A point part is a part composed only of nodes. It can be read in as a model part or can be created through the use of the Point Part feature. In order to create the part, a series of point locations must be defined. The point locations can be read from an external file, or can be created by placing the cursor tool at desired locations and adding points. You can later edit the locations of, or delete any of the points. When you select a parent part and click Create, a new part with only nodes is created. This type of part can represent probes in the data, or lends itself well to meshing into a 2D or 3D part. As the per-node variables of the model parts are mapped to the point part locations, it is also a great way to write out nodal variable information (using FileSaveGeometric Entities) for further calculations. Note if a parent part has per element variables then they must be moved to the nodes using the calculator function ElemToNode.