Basic Operation

Program Invocation

If you invoke the program without any arguments, it will prompt you for the casefile to read. For example:

> ens_checker
* EnSight Data Format Checker *
* =========================== *
*    Currently, *
*    1. Must be run from directory in which casefile is located. *
*    2. Handles EnSight6 and EnSight Gold formats only. *
*    3. Does not process SOS casefiles. *
<Enter casefile name (must be in directory containing it!) >

Sample Runs

As ens_checker works it will be providing feedback. This feedback is important in interpreting what is wrong in the files. Here is a sample run, which was successful:

> ens_checker
*  EnSight Data Format Checker                                  *
*  ===========================                                  *
*   Currently,                                                  *
*   1. Must be run from directory in which casefile is located. *
*   2. Handles EnSight6 and EnSight Gold formats only.          *
*   3. Does not process SOS casefiles.                          *

<Enter casefile name (must be in directory containing it!) >
Casefile to Process:
--------------------   (Opened successfully)

Major Sections Found:
Required FORMAT   section    (at line 1) 
Required GEOMETRY section    (at line 4) 
Optional VARIABLE section    (at line 7) 
Optional TIME     section    (at line 11)

FORMAT Section:
EnSight 6 Format   (set at line 2)

TIME section:
Info for timeset number: 1
Time set: 1   (at line 12) 
      No description provided      
      Number of steps:       1   (at line 13)
      Time values:               (starting on line 14) 
      time values[1] = 0

      > TIME section OKAY <


Model filename is:   3by3.geo      (at line 5)

Static geometry

Opened 3by3.geo successfully

   File type is:    ASCII
   Description 1:   EnSight test geometry file Description 2:   ==========================
   node ids:        assign
   element ids:     assign

   Global section:  
      Number of nodes: 64
         Coordinates for (64) nodes found

   Part 1:
      Description is: 3 x 3 xy 
      Unstructured Part
      Number of quad4 elements is: 9
         Connectivities for (9) quad4 elements found

   Part 2:            
      Description is: 3 x 3 yz 
      Unstructured Part
      Number of quad4 elements is: 9
          Connectivities for (9) quad4 elements found

   Part 3:
      Description is: 3 x 3 xz 
      Unstructured Part
      Number of quad4 elements is: 9
         Connectivities for (9) quad4 elements found

   Part 4:
      Description is: 3 x 3 45 
      Unstructured Part
      Number of quad4 elements is: 9
         Connectivities for (9) quad4 elements found

   > GEOMETRY section OKAY <


scalar per node:   scalar      (at line 8) 
   Filename is: 3by3.scl
   Non transient variable

And here is a sample run, with a problem, namely a 'block' line is missing:

> ens_checker
*  EnSight Data Format Checker                                  *
*  ===========================                                  *
*   Currently,                                                  *
*   1. Must be run from directory in which casefile is located. *
*   2. Handles EnSight6 and EnSight Gold formats only.          *
*   3. Does not process SOS casefiles.                          *
Casefile to Process:
--------------------   (Opened successfully)

Major Sections Found:
Required FORMAT   section    (at line 1) 
Required GEOMETRY section    (at line 4) 
Optional VARIABLE section    (at line 7) 
Optional TIME     section    (at line 11)

FORMAT Section:
EnSight 6 Format   (set at line 2)
TIME section:
Info for timeset number: 1

Time set: 1   (at line 12) 
No description provided
Number of steps:       1   (at line 13)
Time values:           (starting on line 14) 
                       time values[1] = 0

> TIME section OKAY <


Model filename is:   3by3s.geo      (at line 5)
   Static geometry
   Opened 3by3s.geo successfully
   File type is:    ASCII
   Description 1:   EnSight test geometry file 
   Description 2:   ==========================
   node ids:        assign
   element ids:     assign

   Global section:
      Number of nodes: 0

   Part 1:
      Description is: 3 x 3 xy block Structured Part
      Not iblanked i j k = 4 4 1
      Number of nodes: 16 Number of cells: 9
         Block X coordinates for (16) nodes found 
         Block Y coordinates for (16) nodes found 
         Block Z coordinates for (16) nodes found

   Part 2:
      Description is: 3 x 3 yz block

===> Problem:
Looking for one of the following valid line types:
   element type      (unstructured types, any of the following:
                           point    tria6    tetra10     penta15 
                           bar2     quad4    pyramid5    hexa8 
                           bar3     quad8    pyramid13   hexa20 
                           tria3    tetra4   penta6      
   block             (structured block)
   part              (the next part) 
but found the following:
4       4       1


>-*-*-*-*-*-* bummer! *-*-*-*-*-*-<
>                                 <
> Verification of the data FAILED <
>                                 <

After fixing the 'block' line and running the program again, another problem is encountered - namely, an extra space at the end of the second line of x coordinates for the block that is part 2.

> ens_checker
*  EnSight Data Format Checker                                  *
*  ===========================                                  *
*   Currently,                                                  *
*   1. Must be run from directory in which casefile is located. *
*   2. Handles EnSight6 and EnSight Gold formats only.          *
*   3. Does not process SOS casefiles.                          *
Casefile to Process:
--------------------   (Opened successfully)

Major Sections Found:
Required FORMAT   section    (at line 1) 
Required GEOMETRY section    (at line 4) 
Optional VARIABLE section    (at line 7) 
Optional TIME     section    (at line 11)

FORMAT Section:
EnSight 6 Format   (set at line 2)

TIME section:
Info for timeset number: 1
Time set: 1   (at line 12) No description provided
Number of steps:       1   (at line 13)
Time values:           (starting on line 14) time values[1] = 0

   > TIME section OKAY <

Model filename is:   3by3s.geo      (at line 5)

      Static geometry

      Opened 3by3s.geo successfully
      File type is:    ASCII
      Description 1:   EnSight test geometry file 
      Description 2:   ==========================
      node ids:        assign
      element ids:     assign

      Global section:
         Number of nodes: 0
      Part 1:
         Description is: 3 x 3 xy block Structured Part
         Not iblanked
         i j k = 4 4 1

         Number of nodes: 16
         Number of cells: 9
            Block X coordinates for (16) nodes found 
            Block Y coordinates for (16) nodes found 
            Block Z coordinates for (16) nodes found

      Part 2:
         Description is: 3 x 3 yz block 
         Structured Part
         Not iblanked 
         i j k = 4 4 1
         Number of nodes: 16 
         Number of cells: 9

===> Problem:
Previous lines end with 1 extra chars on the line,
but line 2 has 2 extra chars. The lines must be consistent or EnSight will have trouble reading it.

===> Problem:
Not successful reading 16 X block coordinates

   > GEOMETRY section FAILED <   

>-*-*-*-*-*-* bummer! *-*-*-*-*-*-<
>                                 <
> Verification of the data FAILED <
>                                 <

After eliminating the extra space, the file then checked out fine.