EnSight Options

Toggle on Use Software Rendering if you have a graphics card that doesn't support a sufficient level of OpenGL as needed by the EnSight Client.

Note:  Rendering performance will be adversely affected, though.

Toggle on Verbose Console Output to get additional diagnostics output in the console window. This is useful for debugging problems or aiding customer support. Toggle on Use Port Randomization to have EnSight use randomly chosen TCP IP port numbers for communication between the Client and Server (and SOS if using it). This avoids conflicts when running on computers where other instances of EnSight may be running concurrently. By default, the EnSight Client uses TCP IP port 1106 for communication with the EnSight Server or SOS. If EnSight SOS is used, then the default TCP IP port between the SOS and Servers is 1110.

Toggle on Print Server Timing go see how long the Server commands take to execute.

EnSight Command Line Options field can be used to specify any other EnSight command line options.

Note:  If you specify command line options on EnSight Launcher's command line, they will be passed to EnSight and replace those previously specified in this field.