Other Notes

Rather than specify the part delta values through interactive part manipulation as described above, you can set the values explicitly in Advanced mode in the Create/edit Parts dialog for the part. For clip parts:

  1. Double click on the part in the Parts list (or right-click and choose Edit...) to open the Create/edit Parts dialog (Clips).

  2. In the Animation Delta section, enter the desired values in the X, Y, and Z fields and press return.

For isosurfaces:

  1. Double click on the part in the Parts list (or right-click and choose Edit...) to open the Create/edit Parts dialog (Isosurfaces).

  2. In the Animation Delta field, enter the desired isovalue delta value and press return.

When a flipbook is subsequently loaded, active clips and/or isosurfaces will update based on these animation delta values.

Since both object and image flipbooks build pages from the current set of parts based on their current attributes, if you make a change (such as color a part by a different variable or create a new part), you must reload the flipbook. There are exceptions. With an object flipbook, you can make a part invisible while the flipbook is running.