3.1. Necessary Prerequisites

EnSight must have been installed and CEI and PATH environment variables setup properly. If you successfully performed the installation verification as described in the EnSight Installation and Licensing Guide, you have verified that these things are correct.

Note:  The different versions of EnSight shown below can all be simultaneously installed to the same $CEI directory and work fine, using the same license manager.

(See $CEI/ensight242/doc/Manuals/EnSight_Installation_and_Licensing_Guide.pdf)

Note:  The ensight script normally launches the most recent version of EnSight installed. However, different versions may be launched by using various command-line options.

% bin/ensight -H
usage: ensight [-H] [-v level] [-V version] [-l] [--rawlist] ...

positional arguments:
  ...                   remaining arguments

optional arguments:
  -H, --HELP, --Help    show this help message and quit
  -v level, --verbose level
                        Verbosity level
  -V version, --useversion version
                        Run a specific version. The default is the latest
                        version. Choose from: 202
  -l, --list            List available versions
  --rawlist             List available versions in raw format

For example, running ensight -l will show you the versions installed.

% ensight -l
Available versions:
    202 (latest)
By default, 'ensight' will use the latest version available. Select a specific version
to run with the '--useversion ###' command-line argument.

If there is more than one version installed, they will be listed. If you want to run a particular version, use the --useversion ### option.

% ensight --useversion 202

This is EnSight Client 2020 R2 (2/13/2020) build: 68525 trunk
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