Results Tools

The following tools are available from the Results arc.

Direction field Display directionality on a surface based on the vector.

For fluid flow simulations, show the individual virtual or actual particles travelling along the path lines and flowing through the volume. The particles can be from a seed location or by filling a volume and are colored by the selected variable in the results legend.

Unlike streamlines, particles are uniformly seeded across the entire volume by default.


For fluid flow simulations, visualize the lines traveled by massless particles that are released from an inlet in the physics region. You can also use streamlines to identify the source of a particle for which you know the final destination.

Streamlines show the pathlines that follow the vectors of least turbulence from a seed location. The lines are colored by the selected variable in the results legend.

Iso-surfaces Display a surface of constant value for a specified variable.
Contours Visualize and assess gradients for variables displayed on a surface or volume. The regions between the contour lines are filled with a color denoting the variable's value in that region. These help you assess the range and rate of change for scalar variables including scalar components of vector or tensor variables. Contours include options to display volumetrically.

Show the direction and magnitude of variables on a volume. Vector results display either vector variables, geometry direction or legend magnitude, on a collection of seed points defined on a volume.

Vectors are displayed as a number of arrows to show the direction and magnitude of vector variables on a surface. The arrows can be colored and sized by the magnitude of the vector. For fluid flow simulations, curved vectors provide a way to visualize the global field flow characteristics and explore the flow by velocity or circulation.

Cut plane

Insert moveable cut planes that show results in real time.

Note: Cut plane is available for Contours, Iso-Surface, Mesh, or Near-Field and Far-Field Pattern.

View the structural deflection. This option is available when surface contours of the displacement variable are displayed, as well as when iso-surfaces and vectors are displayed in the Refine stage. Toggle the Deformations tool once for scaled deformations and a second time for true deformations.

Note: Deformations are available for all variables and plots except contours of highest value, lowest value and body plots. Deformations are not available for Fluids simulations.
Show animation Play back the displacement due to structural deformation. This option is available when Deformation results are displayed.
Reset Restart the solver. This feature is only available in the Explore stage.
Add optimized body to model

Add the optimized body to the model once you have a faceted geometry result you want to save in a topology optimization. The new faceted geometry is then listed in the Model tree.

For more information on topology optimization workflows, see Topology Optimization. Topology Optimization is only available in the Explore stage.

Show chart

Turn on or off the display of floating charts. See Setting Up Charts for more information on floating charts.

Display the mesh on cut planes.
  • To view the mesh on user-defined planes, show the results on those planes.
  • To view the mesh on the surface bodies, turn off Cut plane.
  • To display the mesh on contours, specify Inner and Outer as the Surface display priority

This option is available in Explore when you specify a local fidelity for fluid flow simulations.

Generate mesh

Discovery creates the mesh. After a mesh is generated, click to show or hide the mesh. More information on evaluating mesh quality is available in Mesh Evaluation.

This option is available in Refine.

Solve Start or pause the solver.