Modifying and Plotting Monitors

After creating monitors and solving the simulation, you can view the numerical outputs of your monitors by clicking the Monitors list in the top right corner of the graphics window. This list consists of default monitors that Discovery includes based on the physics provided in your current simulation. It also includes any monitors that you create. Hover over any of the monitors in the list to highlight their location in the model. Click any monitors to show plots of the calculated results. You can click and drag the monitor charts and place them anywhere in the graphics window.

You can edit and update most monitors in the list, but there are some Discovery preset monitors that cannot be modified, such as Factor of Safety for structures and pressure drop for fluids.

To edit a monitor, you can double-click the monitor in the list or right-click and select Edit. Right-clicking also provides you with additional options such as hiding plots, deleting, renaming, duplicating, and adding new monitors.

Anytime you make updates to your physics setup and solution, the numerical results of the monitors will be updated, and arrows appear next to each of the variables in the list of monitors. The directions of the arrows (up or down) indicate an increase or decrease in the results since the last solution. The colors of the arrows indicate an improvement (green) or deterioration (red) in results since the last solution. White arrows (or black arrows if using a light UI theme) represent results that did not impact the solution.

With each update to your physics setup and solution, the monitor charts are updated with the new values plotted. You can set simulation targets for your monitor.
  • Specify the maximum and minimum limits. Red highlighted sections represent the out-of-bounds values that are not desirable. Error notifications are issued if the monitor falls outside the set range.
  • Specify the target.

For simulations where you have solutions in Explore and Refine, monitor results are displayed for both on the chart. An orange circle represents one data point in Explore, while a purple triangle represents a data point in Refine. To show results for the current stage only, click .

If you have defined variations in your simulation, you can display the variations as separate data series in the monitor chart. Use to choose which variations to display. You can choose to show results for select variations, all the variations, none, starred, or variations with test cases. Additionally, use to open the variations chart for the monitored variable.

For time-dependent solutions (available in the Explore stage only), steady-state fluid flow simulations in the Refine stage, and topology optimization simulations, the monitor chart may have a Details button depending on the location and variable settings, which will open another chart showing plots of the variables as a function of time or iteration.

Right-click the charts to access more options. You can clear the current or previous design changes plotted in the chart. Additionally, you can export each chart's data or data for all monitored variables to a comma-separated values (CSV) file that can be used by other software tools for further analysis. Data for detailed charts, such as time-dependent monitor data, can also be exported.

You can close and then re-open all monitors using the Show/Hide chart button in the Results Arc, at the bottom right corner of the graphics window.