Using Connection Assessment

Prerequisites: Before using the Connection Assessment tool, you must first specify the shear stress and tensile stress limits of the bond and set the range for connections to be highlighted as borderline. For more information, see Setting up Connection Assessment.
To use the Connection Assessment Tool:
  1. Ensure you have solved your simulation.
  2. Click the Connection Assessment tool in the ribbon.
  3. Cycle through the connections using the arrow icons. The tool displays the Shear and Tensile values for the selected connection and whether it’s Passed, Failed, or Borderline. The tensile value may also show that it’s in compression.
  4. By default, Show all is selected and all connections are shown, but filtering options are available to help narrow down the connections for review. You can filter by location or by connection type, or you can show only the failed connections.
    • To show only connections on one or more bodies, select the Body filter and one or more bodies. To show only connections between the selected bodies and an additional body, select the Secondary Body filter and one or more bodies, or ALT-select the secondary bodies.

    • To show only connections on one or more faces, select the Face filter and one or more faces. To show only connections between the selected faces and another face, select the Secondary Face filter and one or more faces, or ALT-select the secondary face(s).

    • Show only Bolt connections by selecting the Show Bolt Connections filter.

    • Show only Contact connections by selecting the Show Contact Connections filter.

    • Show only failed connections by selecting the Show Failed Connections filter.

  5. Select Automatic zoom to automatically zoom to the connection currently shown.
  6. Additionally, you can save the connection pass/fail information to a comma-separated values (CSV) text file clicking on the Connection Assessment Tool in the ribbon.