Clip Volume Tool Guides and Options

Clip Volume Tool Guides

The following tool guides are available for Clip Volume:

Select Set the clip shape, selection, or location.
Move clip Move the clipped volume frame to a different area of the model.
Resize clip Adjust the size of the clipped volume frame.

Clip Volume Tool Options

The following tool options are available for Clip Volume:

Clip Create a clip based on the selected shape, selection, or location.
Clear the clip area Clear the set selections.
Extract geometry Cap off clipped boundaries according to clip type (by volume or by planes). Adds Geometry Snapshot to the model tree.
Shape Set the shape of the clip volume to a sphere or cube.

Specify how the clip is created. Choose from:

  • Set interactively: Create the clip volume interactively using Click+drag.
  • Set from selection: Set the virtual clip area based on the current selection.
  • Use precise location: Manually create the clip by entering the size of the clip and the coordinates (based on the World Origin) for the volume (sphere or cube) center.