History Tracking Options

To work with an individual step in the History Tracking window, expand and edit individual step properties for changing options, parameters etc., and apply the changes to the overall design of the model. You can also change the parameters in the source CAD system.

View and edit the options for the operation by clicking the Options dropdown in the step.

Edit and track the changes to the sketch. Click Complete to update the step with the sketch changes or click Cancel to retain the previous sketch.

  • Click in the main History Tracking window to create a new selection step to record geometry selections.

  • Click within a step to open the Select HUD for selecting a new reference or adding to the selection. Click Complete to update the step with the new selection or click Cancel to retain the previous selection.

Create a variable or add a parameter with a unique label. You can also click the dropdown menu and select Create Variable or Add Parameter to create a variable or add an existing parameter.

  • Each parameter has a unique label and is added to the Parameters list.

  • You can use the parameters to define other variables using basic mathematical expressions.

    Note: When working with expressions, you must be careful with units.

Click the Output Options dropdown to create output parameters.

  • Create a parameter for the bodies, edges, or faces created by clicking the icon next to the appropriate selection.

  • Convert or filter created selections based on size, geometry, or other requirements to improve selection. Choose from the Convert, Filter, and Properties methods available.

    You can convert selections to types (such as faces or edges), or convert by shape, size, etc. You can choose to filter faces, edges, parts, bodies, or components or select based on properties such as plane, normal, smart variables, area, perimeter, etc. Click the icon next to the appropriate selection.

View and/or edit the block script in the Script Editor.

Note: You can only view a single block script at a time.
  • Click to insert the current selection as a script snippet.

  • Click to have the debugger execute the function call and then pause after the function returns.

Choose to cancel or accept the script changes when you exit the Script Editor.

Refer to Scripting for detailed descriptions of the Script Editor functions.

Move to the next Step in the workflow.

Click Continue to play through all the steps to bring you to the last step in the workflow.


Right-click a step and select from these options:

  • Rename

  • Move to - Move to the state defined by a specific step.

  • Force Regenerate - Force Regenerate the selected step.

  • Delete - Delete the selected step.

  • Cut / Paste Below - Cut the selected steps and paste them below the selected step

  • Insert Custom Block - Insert a custom block. Edit the custom block script to create a custom block.

  • Suppress/Unsuppress - Suppress or Unsuppress the selected state.

  • Group - Group selected blocks together.

  • Hide Non-Model Changing Blocks - Hide non-model changing blocks, for example, changing the visibility of objects. This option is enabled by default.

  • Collapse All - Collapse all steps.