Global Solution Fidelity

Global fidelity allows you to choose the desired level of your solution accuracy or sizing methodology.

In Explore, under Global, on the Simulation tab, select a Fidelity approach. By default, Standard is the recommended setting. Although Aggressive or Extreme capture more geometric details and yield higher-fidelity results than the Standard setting, they run the risk of running out of GPU memory when solving on lower specification graphics cards. You can define the fidelity level using Custom. Specifying a value over 1, combined with a high fidelity slider position, may cause the simulation to run out of GPU memory.

In Refine, the size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. Under Global, on the Simulation tab, you can choose to Determine sizing automatically for your simulation or you can specify the curvature, proximity, or fixed size functions to provide more precise control over mesh size distribution.