Working With Components

You can use the options from the context-menu to do the following:

Flatten Assembly Flatten the assembly hierarchy. Underlying sub-assemblies will be flattened to components in the tree. Any groups defined for the sub-assemblies will be deleted as well.
Collapse, Collapse All, Expand All Collapse/Expand tree nodes to view the hierarchy.

Sort A - Z

Sort Z - A

Sort components alphabetically for tree nodes with more than two child nodes.
New Component Create a new component within the selected component.
Delete Empty Components Delete any empty subcomponents within the component. If the component itself is empty, or contains only empty sub-components, it is also deleted.
Move to New Component Create a component within the active component and move the selected object into it. If the object has a custom name, the new component will have the same name.
Move Each to New Component Create a new component for each selected object within the active component and move the objects into those components. If the object has a custom name, the new component will have the same name.
Activate Component for Modeling Activate the component to focus modifications and new object creation within the active component.
Open Component Open the selected component in a new tab.
Import Component Groups and Parameters Import groups and parameters set up for the component.
Make Independent Make the component independent so that changes to the independent instance will not affect all other instances. The component is renamed in the tree.
Replace Component Replace the selected components or assembly with another component or assembly. After replacement, the new component is internalized.
Replace All Instances of Component Replace all instances of the selected components or assembly with another component or assembly. After replacement, the new components are internalized.
Note: When a component is opened in a tab, only instances in the opened component will be replaced.
Export Component Export the selected component as a separate file.