Check Geometry Tool

You can use the Check Geometry tool to look for any geometry errors on visible bodies in your model. Select errors and warnings in the Check Geometry panel to repair.

Note: The Check Geometry tool will not work on lightweight bodies. See General Settings for File Import and Export for more information about lightweight file formats.

To check the geometry:

  1. Select parts in your model and click Check Geometry in the ribbon of the Repair tab.

    Alternatively, right-click the visible body in the model tree and select Check Geometry from the context menu.

    A Check Geometry panel will open listing any errors, warnings, and informational messages.

    Note: If you have not selected any geometry prior to clicking Check Geometry in the ribbon, Discovery will check all visible bodies for problems.
  2. In the Check Geometry panel, you can perform the following actions:

    1. Use Zoom to fit to help you find the location of the issues selected in the list by automatically zooming in on the area. You can also use Hide others to see only the selected problem area.
    2. Use Repair all to attempt to repair all the issues listed in the panel. You could also select individual bodies and click Repair from the semi-halo to attempt to repair the issues related to the selected body.
    3. An out-of-date status will appear indicating that the issues listed in the panel should be re-checked. Re-check geometry to update the list of issues.
    4. You may Create named selections of the issues by selecting one or more messages in the panel and using the semi-halo.
    5. Click Close when you are finished.