6.5. Export Particle Time Selection Properties

This script will export the selected properties of all particles within the selected Particle Time Selection process.

Script Details

When running this macro in a case that contains results and at least one Particle Time Selection process, a new user input window will be prompted (as shown below) and the following inputs are necessary:

Figure 6.14: Export details input window.

Export details input window.

  1. Particle Time Selection Process: Enables you to select the Particle Time Selection process for which you want to export properties.

  2. Properties to be exported: This option lists all the particle properties available for exporting. The user must check the properties which will be written in the .csv file.

Script Outputs

The files created after running this script will be saved in the same location as your project folder, inside a folder named Particle_time_selection_data.

Figure 6.15: Example of a file generated using the script for one Particle Time Selection process.

Example of a file generated using the script for one Particle Time Selection process.

Script prerequisites

  • This script is designed to run on current release.

  • After downloading and extracting the attached .zip file, the included .py file must be saved to your Scripts folder, which is inside your Rocky folder.

    • On Windows, this folder is located at C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Rocky\Scripts.

    • On Linux, this folder is located at /home/YOURUSERNAME/.Rocky/scripts.

Tip:  To modify this script to better match your own project needs, open the .py file in a Python Editor, such as Visual Studio Code, and then use the information in the PrePost Scripting Manual to adjust the parameters and settings to your needs.