Editing a Job Template

To edit an existing job template:

  1. In the navigation panel, select Developer.

  2. In the table, click the template to edit.

    The template's workflow tree is displayed:

  3. Edit the template as desired:

    • To edit the system properties of the template (name, version, and so on), select Properties in the template tree.

    • To add a subworkflow to the tree, click   above the tree and select Add nested template.

      Specify a name and target location for the nested workflow within the tree:

    • To define a workflow, select it in the tree and then use the tools in the editor to define its actions, layout, and settings.

      • To add a brick to the workflow, click   in the editor. A brick represents a specific job action such as submitting a job to a scheduler.

      • To edit the workflow settings, click   and then specify the settings. For example:

      • To run a workflow, click  .

      • To delete a subworkflow, select it in the tree and then click  .

  4. When you are finished editing the template, click Save.