Viewing Convergence Plots

During the solution phase, and after the solution has been completed, you can display convergence plots. When a convergence plot is displayed, you can use two additional drop-down menus to choose the X-Axis and Y-Axis values to plot.

When a solution is in progress, convergence plots update in real time.

To view convergence plots:

  1. In the navigation panel, select Jobs.

  2. Click a job name.

  3. In the job view, select the Graph monitor tab.

  4. Select Convergence from the Display drop-down menu.

    Tip:  To ensure that the complete curve is plotted, select All messages from the Show drop-down menu.

  5. Select the desired values to plot on the X and Y axes.

    The following choices are available for Fluent:

    • continuity

    • epsilon

    • Iteration

    • k

    • x-velocity

    • y-velocity

    • z-velocity

    When there is a large range of values, selecting the Y logarithmic option presents data on a logarithmic scale rather than a linear scale.

    You can also plot multiple curves on the same graph.

    The following choices are available for Mechanical:

    • Bisection

    • Cum Iter

    • F CRIT

    • F L2

    • Line Search Parameter

    • Load Step

    • Max DOF Incr

    • Remesh

    • Sub-step

    • Time Incr

    • U CRIT

    • U INF