3.2.4. The CKSolnTranspose Utility

The CKSolnTranspose utility can be used to convert the row-based CKSoln.ckcsv file to a set of column-based *.csv files. A column-based file format is often easier to import into third-party plotting packages. It is also necessary for use with the Import utility of the graphical Ansys Chemkin Visualizer. The CKSolnTranspose executable located in the bin directory of your Chemkin installation. If you have already appended the bin directory to your local PATH environment variable, type the following command to run CKSolnTranspose:

%CKSolnTranspose [-help] [-column N] [CKSolnFile]

where -help displays the command syntax information and -column N specifies the maximum number of columns per output file. The default is 100 columns per file. We note that the Microsoft Excel limit is 256.

CKSolnFile is an optional file name for the row-based solution file generated by GetSolution. The full path has to be included if it is not in the working directory. By default the file name is CKSoln.ckcsv.

Note:  Please note that 2-D contour data sets are ignored if they exist. Only 1-D (line) plot data is included.