3.2. GetSolution Data Conversion Utilities

As described in About This Manual, post-processing of Ansys Chemkin simulations involves extracting and analyzing the data contained in the Solution Files (one per cluster in the reactor network) and in the pre-parsed post-processor files (.ckcsv) produced by the Run Parameter Study Facility. The Solution File is not directly readable, but there is a provided utility program called GetSolution[.exe] that reads it and converts it into .ckcsv format. The .ckcsv format is a comma-separated text file that is directly readable by scripts, but is organized in block structures for efficient use by the Visualizer. We also provide the GetSolutionTranspose[.exe] utility to further convert the .ckcsv file format into a set of separate plot set files with a more accessible column-based .csv format, compatible with Excel and other third-party packages. The GetSolution utility (and transpose option) can be run from either the command-line or from within the Chemkin Interface (under the Utility group or menu).

Figure 3.3: GetSolution Data Flow

GetSolution Data Flow

The post-processing arguments for GetSolution are described in Table 3.1: GetSolution Arguments. All arguments listed in the table are optional.

Table 3.1: GetSolution Arguments




GetSolution will display the help information.


GetSolution will create a CKSolnList.txt file for user selections. For more details about CKSolnList.txt, see text below.


GetSolution will skip the sensitivity data in XML solution file.


GetSolution will skip the rate-of-production data in XML solution file.


GetSolution will use mass fraction instead of mole fraction for species composition (by default mole fraction is used).


GetSolution will export all species data sets including those consisting of only zero values (by default the all-zero data sets are skipped).


GetSolution will specify a preference file that holds preferred units.


The name of the preference file used with the -p argument. You will need to use the full path if the file is not in the working directory.


The name of the XML solution file, which must contain a .zip suffix. You must use the full path if the file is not in the working directory. If a file is not specified, the XMLdata.zip file located in your working directory will be used.


The name of a text file containing abbreviations of all variable names, which must contain a .csv suffix. This allows you to change the default labels of the variables used in the output file’s data rows. You will need to use the full path if the file is not in the working directory. An example file named abbreviations.csv is provided in the data directory of your Ansys Chemkin installation.