7.7.9. Example FITDAT Outputs

Figure 7.11: Example fitdat.out file shows the fitdat.out file that will be created if the DATA CHEM input file discussed in DATA CHEM Input Format is run through the FITDAT utility.

Figure 7.11: Example fitdat.out file

        *                    CHEMKIN Release 4.0                     *
        *                     FITDAT Application                     *
        *         Thermodynamic properties fitting program.          *
        * Copyright 1997-2002 Reaction Design.  All Rights Reserved. *

            PROVIDED         REQUIRED 
 INTEGER             112            112
 REAL               9534           9534

 Reading keyword data...
 Setting SPEC name:                         OH                                 
 Setting ELEM #  1:                         O   1
 Setting ELEM #  2:                         H   1
 Setting H298:                               9.320E+00 Kcal/mole
 Setting TEMP #  1:                          1.000E+03 K
 End of keyword input for species OH                                           

Species OH Fit:
OH                      O   1H   1          G   300.000  5000.000 1000.00      1
 0.29446142E+01 0.91447172E-03-0.17338418E-06 0.95183610E-11 0.46042672E-15    2
 0.38598718E+04 0.52419727E+01 0.35069641E+01 0.12114174E-02-0.44383205E-05    3
 0.53991545E-08-0.19835349E-11 0.36200845E+04 0.18923732E+01                   4

 Reading keyword data...
 End of input file...

Figure 7.12: Example fitdat.out file with more than two temperature ranges shows example output that would result if the input discussed in DATA CHEM Input Format is modified to include polynomial coefficients for more than two temperature ranges (for example, adding keyword line: TEMP 2500).

Figure 7.12: Example fitdat.out file with more than two temperature ranges

        *                     CHEMKIN Release 4.0                    *
        *                     FITDAT Application                     *
        *         Thermodynamic properties fitting program.          *
        * Copyright 1997-2002 Reaction Design.  All Rights Reserved. *

            PROVIDED         REQUIRED 
 INTEGER             112            112
 REAL               9534           9534

 Reading keyword data...
 Setting SPEC name:                         OH                                 
 Setting ELEM #  1:                         O   1
 Setting ELEM #  2:                         H   1
 Setting H298:                               9.320E+00 Kcal/mole
 Setting TEMP #  1:                          1.000E+03 K
 Setting TEMP #  2:                          2.500E+03 K
 End of keyword input for species OH                                           

Species OH Fit:
OH                      O   1H   1          G   300.000  5000.000              1
TEMP   300.000  1000.000  2500.000  5000.000
 0.31521126E+01 0.77090695E-03-0.15393767E-06 0.13363294E-10-0.27768811E-15
 0.36675921E+04 0.39045946E+01
 0.34408417E+01-0.28167277E-03 0.83197801E-06-0.34404565E-09 0.44913015E-13
 0.37077941E+04 0.26162167E+01
 0.37729215E+01-0.61576963E-03-0.15821000E-06 0.13103019E-08-0.61722943E-12
 0.35916670E+04 0.76556823E+00

 Reading keyword data...
 End of input file...