3.1. Element Data

All chemical species in the reaction mechanism must be composed of chemical elements or isotopes of chemical elements. Each element and isotope must be declared as a one- or two-character symbol. The purpose of the element data is to associate atomic weights of the elements with their character symbol representations and to identify the order in which arrays of element information in the Gas-phase Kinetics Subroutine Library are referenced. For example, an array of atomic weights for the elements is in exactly the same order in which the elements were declared in the element data. In other words, if the atomic weights are stored in an array AWT, then AWT(3) is the atomic weight of the third element declared in the element data.

Element data must start with the word ELEMENTS (or ELEM), followed by any number of element symbols on any number of lines. Element symbols may appear anywhere on a line, but those on the same line must be separated by blanks. Any line or portion of a line starting with an exclamation mark (!) is considered a comment and will be ignored. Blank lines are ignored.

If an element is on the periodic chart, then only the symbol identifying the element need appear in the element data.

Note:  The elements that Ansys Chemkin recognizes are as follows: H, HE, LI, BE, B, C, N, O, F, NE, NA, MG, AL, SI, P, S, CL, AR, K, CA, SC, TI, V, CR, MN, FE, CO, NI, CU, ZN, GA, GE, AS, SE, BR, KR, RB, SR, Y, ZR, NB, MO, TC, RU, RH, PD, AG, CD, IN, SN, SB, TE, I, XE, CS, BA, LA, CE, PR, ND, PM, SM, EU, GD, TB, DY, HO, ER, TM, YB, LU, HF, TA, W, RE, OS, IR, PT, AU, HG, TL, PB, BI, PO, AT, RN, FR, RA, AC, TH, PA, U, NP, PU, AM, CM, BK, CF, ES, FM, D, E

For the elements appearing on the periodic chart, the Ansys Chemkin pre-processors have the atomic weight (in grams per mole) stored internally. For isotopes, a one- or two- character symbol must be input by the user to identify each isotope, and a symbol and an atomic weight (in grams per mole) for each must be defined. The same symbol must be used in the thermodynamic data to identify the elemental composition of species involving the isotope. Once an isotope has been so defined, it is treated exactly as a new element. If an ionic species is used in the reaction mechanism (that is, OH+), an electron must be declared as the element E.

For an isotope, the atomic weight must follow the identifying symbol and be delimited by slashes (/). The atomic weight may be in integer, floating-point, or E format (for example, 2, 2.0, 0.2E1), but internally it will be converted to a floating point number. For example, the isotope deuterium may be defined as D/2.014/. If desired, the atomic weight of an element in the periodic chart may be altered by including the atomic weight as input just as though the element were an isotope.

Figure 3.1: Examples of Species Data shows several equivalent ways to describe element information. In this example the elements are hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and the isotope deuterium.

Figure 3.1: Examples of Species Data

ELEMENTS   H   D /2.014/  O   N   END

ELEM                                  ! ELEM is equivalent to ELEMENTS
   D / 2.014 /
END                                   ! an END line is optional

ELEM D/2.014/

Table 3.1: Summary of the Rules for Element Data summarizes the rules for element data.

Table 3.1: Summary of the Rules for Element Data




The first element line must start with the word ELEMENTS (or ELEM).


Element or isotope names are either one- or two-character symbols.


An isotope name (that is, a name not on the periodic chart) must be followed by its atomic weight (in grams per mole) delimited by slashes.


Each element or isotope should be declared only once; however, duplicated element symbols will be ignored.


An element or isotope name may appear anywhere on the line.


Any number of element or isotope names may appear on a line, and more than one line may be used.


Element or isotope names that appear on the same line must be separated by at least one blank space.


An element or isotope name that begins on one line may not continue to the next line.


Any blank spaces between an element or isotope name and the first slash are ignored and any blank spaces between slashes and an atomic weight are also ignored. However, no blank spaces are allowed within an element name or an atomic weight.


There may be more than one ELEMENT statement.


All characters following an exclamation mark are comments.


It is recommended that an END statement follow a group of elements.


Elements required by Surface Kinetics surface species must be declared in the Gas-phase Kinetics input file.