2.2.1. Using More than Two Temperature Ranges

An alternative input data format allows specification of more than two temperature ranges. Use of this format provides more flexibility in describing the thermodynamic data for complex functions of temperature. This alternative approach is summarized in Table 2.3: Alternative Format for Specifying More than Two Temperature Ranges. The alternative lines used in place of lines 4 - 6 of Table 2.1: Summary of the Rules for Thermodynamic Data. Line 1 specifies all of the temperature values that define the temperature intervals. Lines 2 and Line 3 are then repeated for each specified temperature interval, in descending order of temperature ranges.

Table 2.3: Alternative Format for Specifying More than Two Temperature Ranges

Alternative lines for more than 2 temperature intervals (in place of Lines 4 - 6 in Table 2.1: Summary of the Rules for Thermodynamic Data):

Line #





TEMP followed by space-delimited minimum fit temperature, common temperatures in increasing order, and maximum fit temperature.

A4, Free

1 to 80


Coefficients a 1 - a 5 for a temperature interval


1 to 75


Coefficients a 6, a 7 for a temperature interval


1 to 30