2.4. Archiving and Unarchiving Projects

The projects created in Ansys Chemkin consist of a number of related files in the project’s Working Directory, which include links to your Chemistry Set definition and your Chemkin user-environment settings. It is often necessary or desirable to share a project with another person or to move it from one location to another on your hard disk. In addition, you may be asked by Ansys Technical Support to supply your project files to allow diagnosis of a problem. To facilitate easy transfer of all project-related information, the Archive tool will collect the associated files and create a single, compressed (zipped) archive that can be easily transferred by email, ftp, etc. The archive file created will have a .ckzip extension. When archiving a project, you have the option to include input files only or to also include simulation output and solution files. In most cases, input files only are sufficient to transfer the needed information and inclusion of solution files may cause the archive to become to big for email. The recipient of an archive file can use the Unarchive tool in Chemkin to extract the project information into a new project Working Directory.

Tip:  Saving a Chemkin project automatically creates an archive that includes all the input files. The archive is a self-contained file with the extension .ckzip. It can be used to restore the project at a later time.

To archive a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Project > Archive... option.

  2. At the Select Project File to Archive dialog, browse to and Select the project file (with .ckprj extension) corresponding to the project that you wish to archive.

  3. At the Set Archive File Name dialog, enter a name for the archived project (with .ckzip extension), select a location and click Save.

  4. At the Select Archive Option dialog, choose from the drop-down list which set of files you want to include in the archive. By default it will archive input files only. Click OK.

To restore a project from an archive file (.ckzip), complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Project > Unarchive... option.

  2. At the Select Archive File to Extract Contents dialog, browse to and Select the archive file (.ckzip) you wish to open.

  3. At the Select Your Working Directory dialog, browse to and Select a directory that will serve as the Working Directory for new project. All files included in the archived project will be placed inside this directory.

Note:  If any files referenced in the project file are missing, the Archive tool will display an error message. You can either continue to create an incomplete archive or cancel.