1.5. Modifying the Memory Limits for the Chemkin Interface

The Ansys Chemkin user interface is a Java [1] program that needs to have a maximum memory value specified prior to launching the interface. We specify a default value when the Chemkin interface starts up, which you can modify if needed. The main reasons that more memory might be needed are for projects that have very large and complex reactor-network diagrams or for large and complex parameter-study or uncertainty analyses, or for analysis of large mechanisms in the Reaction Path Analyzer. These are primarily Chemkin applications. The environment variable CKJAVAMEMORY can be specified using the syntax described below to modify this default startup value. The default value is 1024m (1 GB) on Windows and 1536m (1.5 GB) on Linux 32-bit systems. For Linux 64-bit systems, the default is the amount of physical RAM on the system or 3 GB, whichever is smaller.

The syntax of the string value contained within that variable is very strict. (The Java Virtual Machine, JVM, processes that string as a runtime argument when it starts.) The syntax allows you to specify both starting memory consumption and maximum memory consumption. Specifying the starting memory to be equal to the maximum memory will result in a slightly slower initial startup of your Ansys Chemkin session, but can give you slightly faster performance once started.

The syntax required to specify these valuesis given in Table 1.3: Memory specification examples for CKJAVAMEMORY. The syntax is case-sensitive; when an uppercase or lowercase letter, such as "X" is shown, it must be exactly as shown in that table. The only variable input is the digit or digits that indicate the amount of memory requested. These can be set in gigabytes (GB) or megabytes (MB) as illustrated by the examples in Table 1.3: Memory specification examples for CKJAVAMEMORY.

Table 1.3: Memory specification examples for CKJAVAMEMORY


Memory specified


Specifies 4 GB maximum


Specifies 3.5 GB maximum using MB

-Xms3g -Xmx4g

Specifies 3 GB starting memory and 4 GB maximum

-Xms3584m -Xmx3584m

Specifies 3.5 GB starting memory and maximum