2.7. File Extensions Used By Chemkin

The User Interface requires several different types of files for storing and accessing data for a particular project. Table 2.13: Common File Types and Extensions summarizes the main categories of files currently employed, their corresponding file extensions, and a brief description of the type of data stored. Table 2.14: File Extensions and Description for .ck* Files describes the files with .ck* file extensions.

Table 2.13: Common File Types and Extensions

File Type





Keyword-based text file that is used to communicate reactor settings to the Reactor Model program.



Diagnostic text output file containing formatted solution data and diagnostics information regarding the calculation for a Reactor Model simulation.



A text file contains chemistry data that is usually considered "static" or problem independent, such as thermodynamic and transport property data.



XML-formatted Solution file that has been "zipped" or compressed, containing complete solution data for a Reactor Model run. This file is opened by the Ansys Chemkin Post-Processor and the GetSolution Utility to post-process solution data.

Table 2.14: File Extensions and Description for .ck* Files

File extension



Ansys Chemkin solution data in CSV format, extracted from solution file(s) (XMLdata.zip) in a form readable by the Graphical Post-processor.


Contain element and species information of the mechanism, generated by pre-processor and used by Reaction Path Analyzer.


Reaction Workbench mechanism reduction project file.


Graphical Post-processor plot definition data used with the Save/Restore Plots function.


Profile value pairs and independent/dependent variable definitions. A Profile can be used in multiple Projects.


Information that defines the Ansys Chemkin project, including working directory, diagram connectivity and reactor-model parameters, as well as pointers to the chemistry set and any profile files employed.


Definition of the chemistry set, which consists of file paths to chemistry mechanism input files needed during Preprocessing. A Chemistry Set can be used in multiple Projects.


Graphical Post-processor reaction translation file (for example, from Rxn#1 to CH3 + H = CH4) -- generated by mechanism Pre-processor but not in use.


Compressed collection of files related to an Ansys Chemkin project and archived in one file. This is valuable when you want to exchange projects.