2.1.4. Explanation of Initialization Connections

Table 2.8: Initialization Types and Their Effects





Gas Flow


Set the inlet stream properties to those of the upstream reactor outlet. This connection is only allowed from one open reactor to another. Inlet stream properties include mass flow rate, temperature and species composition.




Initialize (for steady-state calculations) or set the initial conditions (for transient reactors) for the chemical state of the destination reactor, using a user-specified state extracted from the solution of the source reactor. The state extracted includes temperature, pressure, and species composition. This type of connection can be used from any reactor to any reactor that is not a Flow Reactor. For Flow Reactors, the initial condition is always set by the inlet flow. When the two reactors are both of the same type and that type is one of the Flame Simulators or CVD Reactors, then the initialization is interpreted as a full "restart", where all grid information is extracted from the source reactor in addition to the chemical state at each grid point.



reactor-inlet stream

Set chemical state (species composition and temperature) of the inlet stream, using a specified state of from the solution of the source reactor. This connection can be made from any reactor. When the source reactor is an open reactor, this connection differs from the direct reactor-reactor connection in that it allows the user to override certain inlet properties, such as the mass flow rate or temperature. For Shear Flow Reactors, a full "restart" can be accomplished by connecting a source Shear Flow Reactor to the inlet of a destination Shear Flow Reactor, in which case the full grid information from the previous run will be used.



solution file-reactor

Initialize (for steady-state calculations) or set the initial conditions (for transient reactors) for the chemical state of the destination reactor, using a user-specified state extracted from a saved Ansys Chemkin solution file from a previous project run. The state extracted includes temperature, pressure, and species composition. This type of connection can be used from any valid Chemkin solution file to any reactor that is not a Flow Reactor. For Flow Reactors, the initial condition is always set by the inlet flow. When the saved-solution file and the destination reactor are both of the same reactor type and that type is one of the Flame Simulators or CVD Reactors, then the initialization is interpreted as a full "restart", where all grid information is extracted from the source reactor in addition to the chemical state at each grid point.



solution file-inlet stream

Set chemical state (species composition and temperature) of the inlet stream, using a specified state of a saved Ansys Chemkin solution file. This connection can be made from any valid Chemkin solution file.


Heat Exchange


Exchange heat between reactors, based on user-specified heat-transfer parameters and the relative temperatures of the connected reactors. This type of connection can only be made within a Cluster of PSRs. The conductive/convective and radiative heat flux parameters can be specified in the Recycle node of the project tree.


Recycle Flow

Reactor or Gas Splitter - Reactor

A recycle flow from a reactor in a downstream Cluster to a reactor in an upstream Cluster. This type of network requires an iterative solution using a Tear Stream approach as described in Solving Complex Reactor Networks.


Recycle Initialization

Reactor - Reactor or Inlet

An initialization of a reactor in an upstream Cluster by information from the results of a reactor in an upstream Cluster.. This type of network also requires an iterative solution using a Tear Stream approach as described in Solving Complex Reactor Networks.