SKINDX SKINDX SKINDX SKINDX SKINDX SKINDX SKINDX ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE SKINDX (ISKWRK, NELM, KKGAS, KKSUR, KKBULK, KKTOT, NNPHAS, NNSURF, NFSURF, NLSURF, NNBULK, NFBULK, NLBULK, IISUR) Returns a group of indices defining the size of the surface reaction mechanism. INPUT ISKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENISK. OUTPU NELM - Integer scalar, total element count. KKGAS - Integer scalar, total gas-phase species count. KKSUR - Integer scalar, total surface species count. KKBULK - Integer scalar, total bulk species count. KKTOT - Integer scalar, total species count (KKGAS+KKSUR+KKBULK). NNPHAS - Integer scalar, total phase count (gas + sites + bulks). NNSURF - Integer scalar, total surface phase count. NFSURF - Integer scalar, phase index of the first surface phase. NLSURF - Integer scalar, phase index of the last surface phase. NNBULK - Integer scalar, total bulk phase count. NFBULK - Integer scalar, phase index of the first bulk phase. NLBULK - Integer scalar, phase index of the last bulk phase. IISUR - Integer scalar, total surface reaction count.