SKINIT SKINIT SKINIT SKINIT SKINIT SKINIT SKINIT ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE SKINIT (LENISK, LENRSK, LENCSK, LINSK, LOUT, ISKWRK, RSKWRK, CSKWRK, IFLAG) Reads the surface linkfile and creates internal work arrays ISKWRK, RSKWRK, and CSKWRK. SKINIT must be called before any other Surface Chemkin subroutine can be used, as the work arrays must be available as their input. INPUT LENISK - Integer scalar, length of the integer array ISKWRK. LENRSK - Integer scalar, length of the real array RSKWRK. LENCSK - Integer scalar, length of the character string array CSKWRK. LINSK - Integer scalar, linkfile input file unit number. LOUT - Integer scalar, formatted output file unit number. OUTPUT ISKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENISK. RSKWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRSK. CSKWRK(*) - Character string workspace array; dimension at least LENCSK. IFLAG - Integer scalar to indicate successful reading of linkfile; IFLAG>0 is an error type.