CKIPLG CKIPLG CKIPLG CKIPLG CKIPLG CKIPLG CKIPLG ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE CKIPLG (I, LOUT, ICKWRK, RCKWRK, NDIM1, NPRES, PRES, PPAR, KERR) Returns parameters for a pressure-fit option reaction. INPUT I - Integer scalar, index of a reaction. LOUT - Integer scalar, formatted output file unit number. ICKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENICK. RCKWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRCK. NDIM1 - Integer scalar, first dimension for a matrix of pressure-fit Arrhenius parameters; if reaction I is a pressure-fit reaction, NDIM1 must be at least the number of pressures given for the reaction OUTPUT NPRES - Integer scalar, count of pressures given for a pressure-fit reaction; if NPLG=0, reaction I is not a pressure-fit reaction. PRES(*) - Real array; if reaction I is a pressure-fit reaction, PRES contains the NPRES pressures (atm) used in the fits. PPAR(*,*) - Real matrix; if reaction I is a pressure-fit reaction, PPAR contains 3 Arrhenius parameters for each of the NPRES pressures used in the fits. NDIM1 is the first dimension, and must be at least NPLG, the count of pressures given for reaction I; the second dimension must be at least 3, the number of parameters for the Arrhenius rate expression. KERR Logical error flag