CKIORD CKIORD CKIORD CKIORD CKIORD CKIORD CKIORD ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE CKIORD (IDIM, KDIM, ICKWRK, RCKWRK, NIORD, IORD, FORD, RORD) Returns the count and indices of reactions with modified species order and the order values for the species. INPUT IDIM - Integer scalar, dimension of arrays IFORD and IRORD; IDIM must be at least NIORD, the total number of reactions with modified species orders. KDIM - Integer scalar, first dimension of the arrays FORD and RORD; KDIM must be at least NKK, the total species count. ICKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENICK. RCKWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRCK. OUTPUT NIORD - Integer scalar, total number of reactions with modified species orders. IORD(*) - Integer array, indices of reactions with modified species orders; dimension at least NIORD. FORD(*,*) - Real matrix, the modified forward species orders for the NIORD reactions; dimension at least NKK for the first, the total species count, and at least NIORD for the second. FORD(K,N) is the forward order of species K for the Nth change-order reaction. RORD(*,*) - Real matrix, the modified reverse species orders for the NIORD reactions; dimension at least NKK for the first, the total species count, and at least NRORD for the second. RORD(K,N) is the reverse order of species K for the Nth change-order reaction.