7.49. CKFAL

CKFAL     CKFAL     CKFAL     CKFAL     CKFAL     CKFAL     CKFAL     

Returns a set of flags indicating whether a reaction has pressure-
dependent behavior and an array of parameters.

NDIM      - Integer scalar, first dimension of the matrix FPAR;
            NDIM must be greater than or equal to NFAR, the
            maximum number of supplemental rate  parameters, which
            depends on the mechanism.
ICKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENICK.
RCKWRK(*) - Real    workspace array; dimension at least LENRCK.

IFOP(*)   - Integer array,  flags indicating pressure-dependent
            dimension at least II, the total reaction count.
            IFOP(I) indicates the pressure-dependent behavior
            of reaction I:
             0 - No pressure dependency
             1 - Lindeman form (3 parameters)
             2 - SRI form      (8 parameters)
             3 - Troe form     (6 parameters)
             4 - Troe form     (7 parameters)
             6 - Chebychev form (depends on mechanixm)
IFLO(*)   - Integer array, flags indicating pressure-dependency;
            dimension at least II, the total reaction count.
            IFLO(I) indicates
            0 - unimolecular pressure-dependency,
            1 - chemically activated bi-molecular.
KFAL(*)   - Integer array, flags indicating type of bath-gas
            concentration to be used in expressions
            (see footnote on page 27);
            dimension at least II, the total reaction count.
            KFAL(I) indicates the type of reaction I:
             0 - Use total concentration of gas mixture
                  (with the added capability of using enhanced
                   third body coefficients) (default)
             K - Use the concentration of species K
FPAR(*,*) - Real matrix, pressure dependency parameters;
            dimension at least NFAR for the first, the maximum
            number of parameters (currently 8), and
            at least II for the second, the total reaction
            The number of parameters depends on the
            particular functional form indicated by the IFOP array:

            For IFOP(I) = 1 through 4,
            FPAR(1,I), FPAR(2,I), FPAR(3,I) are always the
            parameters entered on the LOW auxiliary keyword line
            in the CHEMKIN interpreter input file.
               FPAR(1,I) = Pre-exponential for low pressure
                           limiting rate constant
                           cgs units, mole-cm-sec-K
               FPAR(2,I) = Temperature dependence exponents
                           for the low pressure limiting rate
               FPAR(3,I) = Activation energy for the low
                           pressure limiting rate constant.
                           cgs units, K
            Additional FPAR values depend on IFOP:
            IFOP(I) = 2:
               FPAR(4,I) = a
               FPAR(5,I) = b (Kelvin)
               FPAR(6,I) = c (Kelvin)
               FPAR(7,I) = d
               FPAR(8,I) = e
            IFOP(I) = 3:
               FPAR(4,I) = a
               FPAR(5,I) = T*** (Kelvin)
               FPAR(6,I) = T*   (Kelvin)
            IFOP(I) = 4:
               FPAR(4,I) = a
               FPAR(5,I) = T*** (Kelvin)
               FPAR(6,I) = T*   (Kelvin)
               FPAR(7,I) = T**  (Kelvin)

            For IFOP(I) = 6:
               FPAR(1,I) = n, the number of temperature coeff.
               FPAR(2,I) = m, the number of pressure coeff.
               FPAR(3,I) = tmin, lower temperature limit
               FPAR(4,I) = tmax, upper temperature limit
               FPAR(5,I) = pmin, lower pressure limit
               FPAR(6,I) = pmax, upper temperature limit
               FPAR(j,I), j=7,m*n+6 are the polynomial coefficients