CKFALP CKFALP CKFALP CKFALP CKFALP CKFALP CKFALP ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE CKFALP (P, T, X, ICKWRK, RCKWRK, I, RKLOW, CTB, PR, FC, PCOR) Returns details concerning the reaction rate constant for pressure-dependent reactions. INPUT P - Pressure. cgs units - dynes/cm**2 Data type - real scalar T(*) - Temperature array. cgs units - K Data type - real vector X - Mole fractions of the species. cgs units - none Data type - real array Dimension X(*) at least KK, the total number of species. ICKWRK - Array of integer workspace. Data type - integer array Dimension ICKWRK(*) at least LENIWK. RCKWRK - Array of real work space. Data type - real array Dimension RCKWRK(*) at least LENRWK. OUTPUT RKLOW - Low Pressure forward reaction rate for pressure- dependent reactions. It is defined to be zero for non-pressure-dependent reactions. cgs units - 1/(sec) * (cm**3/mole)**(sum of forward stoich. coeff) Data type - real CTB - Effective concentration for reaction, I_SAVE. This takes into account the effectiveness factors for the reaction, applicable to third body and pressure-dependent reactions. It is defined to be equal to the total concentration for other pressure- dependent or third body reactions, and to be equal to one for reactions which don't use it Units are moles/cm**3. cgs units - mole/(cm**3) Data type - real PR - Reduced Pressure for pressure-dependent reactions. This is defined to be equal to CTB*RKLOW_SAVE/RCF_INF. where RCF_INF is the high pressure rate constant. This is a dimensionless quantity. For non-pressure- dependent reactions, this quantity is defined to be 0. cgs units - unitless Data type - real FC - Correction to L-H rate constant for pressure-dependent reactions. It is defined to be 0 for non-pressure- dependent reactions. cgs units - unitless Data type - real PCOR - This is equal to the pressure correction ratio for pressure-dependent reactions, that is, RC(T,P) / RC(T)_inf the ratio of the actual reaction rate to the high pressure reaction rate constant. cgs units - unitless Data type - real array