2.4. Running and Post-processing from Batch Scripts

The Parameter Study can be run in batch mode, using scripts. The solution files can then be analyzed using the visualization options of the Post-Processor or exported.

Prepare for the off-line run in the Ansys Chemkin interface:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Run/Output and select the Prepare Parameter Study as Off-line Jobs option.

  2. Open an existing project with a parameter study or set up a new parameter study.

  3. Click Run Calculations and then click Display Details.

  4. Select the desired parameter study runs and then click the Prepare Selected button at the bottom of the panel. You will see that the run status has changed to "manual".

  5. At this point you can shut down the Ansys Chemkin interface.

    Continue working in the system files:

  6. Go to the directories for the selected parameter study runs. You will see RUNJOB_CKRunProcessor.BAT or RUNJOB_CKRunProcessor.sh scripts in the directories.

    Run these scripts to run the parameter study jobs. The script will generate the solution file for the run.

  7. Return to the Ansys Chemkin interface. Go to Run Calculations > Show Details where you will see that the status of runs that have finished is reported as "success".

  8. Select any successful run and click the Prepare Post-Process button to open the Visualizer for analysis.

To continue with post-processing outside of Ansys Chemkin, you can shut down the Chemkin interface at this point.

  • Go to the directories for the runs and you will see RUNJOB_GetSolutionData_***.BAT or RUNJOB_GetSolutionData_***.sh scripts.

    Run these scripts to post-process the runs and generate corresponding comma-delimited .ckcsv files for each run.

    The command-delimited .ckcsv files allow you to analyze the solutions using your preferred software.

To continue with post-processing from Ansys Chemkin, follow these steps:

  1. After all the jobs have finished, go back to the Ansys Chemkin User Interface’s panel and click the Prepare Post-Process button.

  2. In the Select Post-Processing Variables panel, select what to post-process and click Process Solution Data.

  3. The Monitor Project Run panel appears.

  4. When the Monitor panel appears with the message, Done preparing post-processing jobs as off-line jobs, click Close on the panel.

  5. Now go back to the Analysis Dir in your file browser and each RUN Dir will have a RUNJOB_GetSolutionData_***.BAT or RUNJOB_GetSolutionData_***.sh file.

  6. Run this file to manually post-process the solutions for each run.