2.1. Turbulence Models

Turbulence consists of fluctuations in the flow field in time and space. It is a complex process, mainly because it is three dimensional, unsteady and consists of many scales. It can have a significant effect on the characteristics of the flow. Turbulence occurs when the inertia forces in the fluid become significant compared to viscous forces, and is characterized by a high Reynolds Number.

In principle, the Navier-Stokes equations describe both laminar and turbulent flows without the need for additional information. However, turbulent flows at realistic Reynolds numbers span a large range of turbulent length and time scales, and would generally involve length scales much smaller than the smallest finite volume mesh, which can be practically used in a numerical analysis. The Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of these flows would require computing power that is many orders of magnitude higher than available in the foreseeable future.

To enable the effects of turbulence to be predicted, a large amount of CFD research has concentrated on methods that make use of turbulence models. Turbulence models have been specifically developed to account for the effects of turbulence without recourse to a prohibitively fine mesh and direct numerical simulation. Most turbulence models are statistical turbulence model, as described below. The two exceptions to this in Ansys CFX are the Large Eddy Simulation model and the Detached Eddy Simulation model.