2.2.3. Initial Values Tab

When running in Workbench, the Initial Values tab in CFX-Solver Manager’s Define Run dialog box has an Initialization Option setting that synchronizes interactively with changes in the Initialization Option property of the Solution cell. The Solution cell properties are described at Properties Pane in the CFX Introduction.

If either of the following is true:

  • CFX-Solver Manager is run from Workbench, and the Initialization Option on the Initial Values tab is set to Initial Conditions. (This is equivalent to the Solution cell Initialization Option property being set to Update from initial conditions.)

  • CFX-Solver Manager is run from stand-alone mode.


  • You can set initial values via results files in a variety of places as listed here (in order of precedence):

    • In CFX-Solver Manager in the Define Run dialog box on the Initial Values tab.

    • In CFX-Pre in the Configuration details view on the Initial Values tab.

    • In CFX-Pre in the Execution Control details view on the Initial Values tab.

    Note that for cases with multiple configurations, initial values cannot be set globally (that is, in CFX-Solver Manager or in CFX-Pre in the Execution Control details view); they can only be set per configuration in CFX-Pre in the Configuration details view.

  • You may specify initial values via results files, depending on the Initial Values Specification check box:

    • If you do not specify initial values via results files (Initial Values Specification cleared), the software will use initialization data from (in order of precedence):

      • In CFX-Pre on the Initialization tab in the Domain details view

      • In CFX-Pre on the Initialization tab in the Global Initialization details view

      • Automatically generated initial values

        Note that automatically generated initial values may not be suitable for some steady-state cases and are insufficient for all transient cases.

    • If you specify initial values via results files (Initial Values Specification selected and settings filled in), those values will override any initial values listed above (that is, from the Domain details view, the Global Initialization details view, or automatically generated initial values), as applicable.

  • You can set initial values via results files as follows:

    1. On the applicable Initial Values tab, select the Initial Values Specification check box to show the initial values settings.

    2. Click New   to create an initial values object.

    3. Select an initial values object from the list.

    4. Choose the source of initial values for the initial values object.

      The following options are available, depending on the specified Solver Input file:

      • (no option)

        Specify the name of the results file from which initial values should be obtained.

      • Results File

        Specify the name of the results file from which initial values should be obtained.

      • Configuration Results

        Specify the name of the configuration from which initial values should be obtained.

        Note that this option is available only in the context of multi-configuration simulations. It allows the results (which become available at run time) of another configuration to be used as initial values.

      Additional information is provided in Initial Condition Modeling in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

    5. Optionally specify Interpolation Mapping settings in order to select, position, and/or replicate the data. For details, see Interpolation Mapping in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

    6. Select Continue History From if you want to continue the run history (convergence history, monitor plots, time and time step counters, etc…) and use the smoothest restart possible from the selected Initial Values File. When this option is selected, the run continues from the one contained in the specified initial values object; the entire history is also copied into the current results file. If this option is not selected, the run history is reset.

    7. The Use Mesh From setting determines which file provides the mesh that is used for the analysis: the Solver Input file or the Initial Values file. The mesh from the Initial Values file can be used in a limited set of circumstances. See Using the Mesh from the Initial Values File in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide for details.

If CFX-Solver Manager is run from Workbench, and the Initialization Option on the Initial Values tab is not set to Initial Conditions (equivalent to the Solution cell Initialization Option property not being set to Update from initial conditions), then:

  • Initialization is controlled by the Solution cell property.

  • The Initial Values tab (whether in CFX-Solver Manager in the Define Run dialog box, CFX-Pre in the Execution Control details view, or CFX-Pre in the Configuration details view) may not be used for specifying initial values via results files.

  • Cases with multiple configurations are not supported.

Full details for Initial Values Files can be found in Reading the Initial Conditions from a File in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.


  • For cases involving System Coupling, and for cases involving multiple configurations, the Initialization Option setting in CFX-Solver Manager (Define Run dialog box > Initial Values tab) must be set to Initial Conditions.