3.3.4. Using the Mesh from the Initial Values File

If you have specified only one Initial Values Files, then you can choose whether the new simulation should use the mesh (and topology) from the CFX-Solver Input file (default) or the Initial Values Files, by using the setting Use Mesh From. You should choose the Initial Values option only if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The number of boundary condition definitions in your current model and the results file is the same.

  • The names and locations (that is, surface/face identifiers) of boundary conditions are the same.

  • The mesh is the same in both your current model and the results file.

This setting is included mainly for backwards-compatibility with Release 11.0 and previous releases (where it was the default unless Interpolate Initial Values onto Def File Mesh was selected); however, it may occasionally be useful in other circumstances.

If the meshes in the CFX-Solver Input file and the Initial File are identical, then this setting should have no effect on the simulation if Continue History From is set to the single Initial Values File.

Note:  If Use Mesh From is set to Initial Values, then the CFX-Interpolator is not used at all. If Use Mesh From is set to Solver Input File, then the CFX-Interpolator will be used, but it will recognize if the mesh and topology in the Initial Values File is identical to the CFX-Solver Input file and simply copy all of the variables and other settings in this circumstance - no actual interpolation will be performed. The end result should be same regardless of which option is chosen if the mesh in the CFX-Solver Input file and Initial Values File is identical, but the CFX-Solver Output file will show a section for interpolation in the case where the Solver Input File setting was selected for Use Mesh From.

When Use Mesh From is set to Initial Values, then the Continue History From setting behaves differently to the description in the table in Continuing the History. If the Continue History From check box is selected, then the description in the table is correct. If Continue History From has been cleared (turned off), then no monitor data and run history is available for the new run, and the timestep/iteration counter is reset. However, the particle data and the variable data is unaffected by the Continue History From check box being cleared (turned off).