17.3.2. cfx5export Arguments

A basic description of the cfx5export arguments is given below.



Alternative Forms


Write an EnSight Version 5 case file instead of an EnSight Version 7 results file.


Write an EnSight version 6 file instead of an EnSight version 7 file.


Write an EnSight version 7 file (default)


Write CGNS data as an ADF formatted file.


Export data in the Ansys FSI CDB format.


Write the output file in ASCII format, rather than unstructured binary format.



Write the output file in unstructured binary format.


Boundary data only. Using this argument corresponds to selecting the option Boundary Data Output Only when using cfx5export from CFX-Solver Manager.



Write boundary conditions as collections of faces rather than nodes.


Write boundary conditions as collections of nodes rather than faces (default).


Export data in the CGNS format


Map CFX variable names to CGNS variable names (where possible).

-cgns-version <2.4|3.0|Latest>

Write a CGNS file of version 2.4 or the latest version. Note that CGNS version 3.0 is no longer supported; an argument "version number" of "3.0" results in a CGNS file of the latest version.

Note:  Starting from Release 2023 R2, CGNS HDF5 files are written with 64-bit (rather than 32-bit) integers. In order for a third party application to read these newer 64-bit files (along with 32-bit files from earlier releases) your application must use the 64-bit CGNS libraries. See "www.cgns.org".


Use corrected boundary node values. This corresponds to enabling Use Corrected Boundary Node Data when using Tools > Export from CFX-Solver Manager.


-custom <options>

Use custom export program defined by the CFX_EXPORT_EXEC variable. If this option is specified no further argument checking is done and all remaining options on the command line are passed straight to the export program. For details, see Generic Export Options.

-domain <number>

Specifies the domain of interest. If <number> is non-zero, cfx5export will export just the given domain. If <number> is zero, the data is combined and exported as a single domain. The default value is 0.

-d <number>


Specifies the Ansys element type to use for Ansys FSI CDB file output.


Export data for use with EnSight.

-exec <executable>

An alternative way of specifying the custom export executable dynamically, without having to create a cfx5rc file. Note that this parameter must appear before the -custom switch.


Export data for use with FIELDVIEW.



Geometry data only (no results). Using this option corresponds to choosing Geometry Output Only (Neutral File) when using cfx5export from CFX-Solver Manager.



Print the information in this table.



Write CGNS data as an HDF5 formatted file.


Include boundary node only data. If you specify this option, then variables such as (which have meaningful values only on the boundary nodes) will be exported.



Use long variable names.



Don’t write a description of the full CFX Solver Variable Name.


Write all transient data to a single CGNS file using BaseIterative_t and ZoneIterative_t nodes.

-name <base>

Set the basename for the output files to <base> instead of the name of the input file. If you do not use this option, the exported files will be written in the same directory as the input file. You need to take care when selecting this name to avoid your CFX results file being overwritten.

-output <base>

-out <base>


Use nodes when exporting packet 21 data (groups).



Do not write particle track files.


Do not rotate the grid to its true position. For details, see Mesh Options: Use Initial Mesh for Rotating Domains.

-offset-flow <number>

Offset flows written to Ansys FSI CDB files by <number>.

-Of <number>

-offset-val <number>

Offset values written to Ansys FSI CDB files by <number>.

-Ov <number>


Export data for use with MSC/PATRAN.

-regions <region1><,region2>...

Export data for comma-separated list of regions written to Ansys FSI CDB file.

-REG <version>

Specifies the version used when writing the FIELDVIEW region file.

-scale-flow <number>

Scale flows written to Ansys FSI CDB files by <number>.

-Sf <number>

-scale-val <number>

Scale values written to Ansys FSI CDB files by <number>.

-Sv <number>


Use the FIELDVIEW Split Grid and Results file format when writing grid and results files.


Displays a summary of the domains and timesteps contained in the CFX-Solver Results file.


-timestep <number>

If the <number> is non-zero, data for the given timestep in a transient run is exported. If <number> is -1, data from all timesteps is exported. If the -timestep switch is not given, data from the last timestep will be exported.

-time <number>

-t <number>


Specifies the file format version when writing FIELDVIEW Grid and Results files.

-user <level>

User level of interest: <level> should be a number 1, 2, or 3, and this corresponds to selecting Output Level 1, 2, or 3 when using cfx5export from CFX-Solver Manager.

-u <level>


Specifying this option may result in additional output being sent to the standard output file (normally the screen).



Name of CFX results file from which data is to be exported. The names of the file(s) created depends on the format being written.

CGNS files will be written to <file>.cgns

EnSight geometry will be written to <file>.geom, the results file to <file>.res, and the variables to <file>.s## or <file>.v## where ## is the variable number and s indicates a scalar and v a vector unless the -name option is used.

Patran geometry will be written to <file>.out as a Neutral file, the results template to <file>.res_tmpl, and the nodal results to <basename>.nod unless the name option is used.

Fieldview geometry will be written to <file>.fv unless the -name option is used.

Note: The files will be created in the same directory as the original files, not necessarily in the current working directory.