Availability: All Standard Formats (CGNS, MSC.Patran, FIELDVIEW and EnSight)
Default Value: Not selected.
By default, the mesh for any rotating domain is rotated into the correct position for the timestep when exporting, as long as the angular velocity is specified as a single value (that is, not using the CFX Expression Language). You can choose to always write the mesh as it was positioned at the initial timestep by selecting the option Use Initial Mesh for Rotating Domains.
If the angular velocity of the rotating domain is specified in terms of an expression, then the mesh is always exported in its initial position and never rotated, and the Use Initial Mesh for Rotating Domains option is ignored.
The calculation of the correct rotated position assumes that the initial run was started from a time value of 0 [s], and that the simulation time is continuous from 0 [s] through every run and restart (that is, the Initial Time is not reset by using the Value option). If this is not the case, then you should select Use Initial Mesh for Rotating Domains option to write the mesh as it was positioned at the initial timestep, to avoid incorrectly rotated meshes.