12.3. Range Settings Tab

  1. Under Timestep Range Mode, select from the following options:

    • Display All displays values for every iteration. If viewing a restarted run, results from the previous run are also visible.

    • Most Recent displays the current iteration and a number of previous iterations.

    • Fixed displays a beginning and end iteration that is always displayed, regardless of the current iteration number.

    • This Run Only displays the range for the current run. If the run is a restart, previous runs are not included in the range.

    • This Run and Previous Timestep displays all timesteps for the current run and the last timestep from any previous run. By selecting this option, plots will contain all data generated in the current run and will also display the coefficient loop data for the previous timestep from any previous run from which the current run was started.

  2. Under Variable Axis, select or clear Use Logarithmic Scale.

    If selected, Set Manual Scale (Log) is automatically selected.

  3. Under Set Manual Scale (Log) or Set Manual Scale (Linear) set the Upper Bound and Lower Bound values for the variable axis.

    Note:  If you accidentally specify a lower bound that is higher than the upper bound, CFX-Solver Manager will reverse the values internally to determine the range, but the values you entered will not be changed in the user interface.

  4. Complete the timestep configuration based on the Timestep Range Mode selected.

    • Most Recent requires a value for Timestep Window Size.

    • Fixed requires values for First Timestep and Last Timestep.